Social Revolutions and Cultural Movements
Student Movement and the New Left Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Led by Tom Hayden Port Huron Statement University decisions made by participatory democracy Berkeley, CA – 1964 Free Speech Movement End university restrictions on student political activities
Student Movement and the New Left More student demonstrations Student restrictions Demonstrations against Vietnam Campuses closed down Kent State/Jackson State Weather Underground Radical wing Some vandalism resulted in injuries
Counterculture Joined with political movements Expressed in music, drug use, communal living “Hippies”
Counterculture Music Hallucinogens Woodstock Folk: Joan Baez, Bob Dylan Rock: Rolling Stones, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, The Beatles Hallucinogens Tim Leary LSD Woodstock 1969 festival of music in NY High-point of counterculture
Counterculture Retrospect Democracy Free Speech End to poverty End to racial discrimination End to war
Sexual Revolution Change in attitude toward sexual expression Alfred Kinsey – studies indicated premarital sex, infidelity, homosexuality more common than suspected Medicine – STD treatment, birth control Advertisements Movies
Women’s Movement Increased employment, civil rights movement, sexual revolution Betty Friedan – The Feminine Mystique (1963) Encouragement to seek fulfillment in careers National Organization for Women (NOW) Activism for equal treatment Equal Pay Act of 1963, Civil Rights Act of 1964 contain gender discrimination protection
Women’s Movement Campaign for the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) 1972 – Constitutional Amendment, originally written by Alice Paul in 1923: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.” Needed 38 states to ratify, got 35 Glass ceiling remained