News From Rooms 310 & 313 Marlow Elementary 912-728-3262 September 5 – 9, 2016 Specials Mon: No School Tues: *PE (P); Tech (S) Wed: Art (P); *PE (S) Thurs: Music (P); Art (S) Fri: *PE (P); Music (S) *Wear Tennis Shoes Notes Be sure to send a note with your student if there is a change in his or her regular transportation and to excuse all absences Fun Runners Fundraiser will kick off on September 7, 2016 and the event will take place on Friday, September 16th. More information to follow. If anyone has any spirit wear on backorder, look for it on Friday, September 9th. Mrs. Melissa Phillips (P) Twitter: @MelissaMES313 Instagram: @mrs.phillipsmes313 Miss Rebecca Stewart (S) Mrs. Jennafer Busbie Upcoming Events Sept. 5: No School Sept. 6: 1st 9 Weeks Progress Reports; Sept. 7: 1st Day of Ice Cream Sept. 7: Multiplication challenge Sept. 16: Fund Run 10:15 Sept. 19: Stewart and Busbie out ½ day Sept. 22: 1st day of Good News Club (GNC) Sept. 22: Low Country Down Syndrome Bake Sale. Sept. 23: Fund Run Pledges Due Sept. 28: Mrs. Phillips out ½ day Sept. 30: Spirit Day Oct. 5: Report Cards English Language Arts This week we will practice the following skills: Capitalization Compound Sentences Characterization Setting Plot Theme Quotation Marks Narrative Writing Social Studies This week we will begin our study of American Indians. Students should review their Interactive Notebooks nightly. The American Indians test will be at the end of the month. Math This week we will learn a few new concepts to start off our second unit. Factors & Multiples Prime & composite numbers Multiplication challenge is Wednesday (Sept. 7). Science This week we will be studying weather instruments. Vocabulary words will go home Tuesday. Quiz on Friday. There will be a test at the end of this month.