fuokZpd fuca/ku inkf/kdkjh & iz.kkyh ls lacaf/kr jkT;Lrjh; dk;Z’kkyk


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Presentation transcript:

fuokZpd fuca/ku inkf/kdkjh & iz.kkyh ls lacaf/kr jkT;Lrjh; dk;Z’kkyk ERO-NET fuokZpd fuca/ku inkf/kdkjh & iz.kkyh ls lacaf/kr jkT;Lrjh; dk;Z’kkyk

¼fuokZpd lwph esa iathdj.k ½ ERO-NET ¼fuokZpd lwph esa iathdj.k ½ ERO-NET - izi=ksa ds lgt izfØ;k (Process), Dashboard dk vklku Handling, fuokZpd lwph ls lcaf/kr xfrfof/k;ksa dh fuxjkuh ,oa j[k&j[kko] fuokZpd lwph ds LokLF; ds mPp Lrjh; ekud cuk;s j[kus dk fu;fer ,oa ljy rjhdk gsrq Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx }kjk fodflr ,d uohu iz.kkyh gSA ERO-NET dh eq[; ifjdYiuk gS fd dksbZ Hkh ;ksX; ukxfjd viuh Hkk”kk ;k ‘kkjhfjd ,oa vU; v{kerkvksa ds ckotwn uk NwVsA lkFk gh fuokZpd lwph esa vkosndksa dh izfof”V fcuk fdlh Hkh dfBukbZ ,oa =qfVjfgr djus dh ,d lqfuf’pr O;oLFkk gSA ERO-NET - fuokZpd lwph dh rS;kjh ,oa mlds j[k&j[kko rFkk fuokZpdksa ds iqujh{k.k dk dk;Z djus gsrq jk”Vªh; Lrj ij ,dhd`r iz.kkyh gSA ERO-NET - iz.kkyh vUrxZr eq[; :i ls rhu ?kVd gSa & ERO-NET ns’k ds lHkh EROs dks ,d lkFk tksM+rk gSA ;g ,dhd`r jk”Vªh; fuokZpd lwph (Unified National Photo Electoral Roll) dh vo/kkj.kk dks lkdkj djrk gSA NVSP (National Voters Service Portal) ds ek/;e ls dksbZ Hkh vgZrk izkIr ukxfjd vkWu&ykbZu vkosnu ns ldrk gSA

ERO-NETdh dk;Z{kerk,a izi=ksa ds fu”iknu dh lgt izfØ;k (Process) fuokZpd lwph dk vkWuykbZu la/kkj.k (Maintain Electoral Roll) ernku dsUnz izca/ku iz.kkyh (Polling Station Management System) jk“Vªh; Lrj ij ,oa fofHkUu fo/kku lHkk {ks=ksa ds EROs ds chp lapkj LFkkfir djrs gSa (Communication between EROS across ACs and States) izokflr] LFkkukUrfjr ,oa e`r fuokZpdksa dks fu;ekuqlkj fuokZpd lwph ls foyksiu (Deletion process in absent, shifted and dead(ASD) voters). fuokZpd lwph ds LokLF; ls lacaf/kr ekinaM & vk;q lewg] tula[;k fuokZpd vuqikr] fyaxkuqikr vkfn dk vuqikyu (Anytime real time observance of ER Health parameters like Age Cohort, Elector Population Ratio (EP Ratio), Gender Ratio) izkIr nkok@vkifŸk dk foLr`r ,oa mís’ijd {ks= lR;kiu (Objective and comprehensive field verification)

ERO-NET ls gksus okys ykHk %& jk"Vªh; Lrj ij lesfdr MkVkcsl gksus ds dkj.k {ks=h; Lrj Data Loss/Corruption dh laHkkouk dks lekIr djrk gSA blls jk"Vªh; Lrj ij fuokZpd lwph esa Errors dks de djus esa lgk;rk feysxhA lkFk gh fdlh uke dk nksgjh izfof”V laHko ugha gksxkA blls Nationwide Transposition vklku gksxkA lkFk gh iz:i dk lle; fu"iknu gksxkA  CEO/DEO/ERO/AERO Lrj ij Monitoring vklku gksxhA  vkosnu i= dh ERO-NET esa Entry ds i'pkr~ ,d Checklist generate gksrk gS] ftlds vk/kkj ij BLO dks field esa tk¡p djuh gksrh gSA blls tk¡p izfØ;k esa Objectivity, Transparency vkSj Accountability vk;sxhA  EROs ds chp Communication LFkkfir gksxk] ftlls Migration/Shifting ds case esa ,d lkFk uke tksM+uk ,oa gVkuk laHko gksxkA  Deletion ds Case esa Deletion dk fjdkMZ vkSj uksfVl generate gksxkA 

ERO-NET iz.kkyh }kjk fdlh Hkh dk;Z gksus ;k yafcr jgus lacaf/kr lwpuk dk SMS/E-mail Alert ek/;e ls DEO/ERO/AERO/ vkosnd dks izkIr gksuk gSA vFkkZr blls Real Time Monitoring laHko gksxkA leqfpr dkjZokbZ ,oa fu”iknu gsrq vU; EROs dks SMS/E-mail Hkstk tk ldrk gSA nkoksa ,oa vkifŸk;ksa ls lacaf/kr ukxfjdksa ,oa fuokZpdksa dks Hkh fofHkUu Lrj tSls izi=ksa dh izfØ;k] Schedule Hearing, vkosnuksa ds vLohd`fr ds dkj.kksa ,oa vkosnuksa dh Lohd`fr ,oa bZfid fizafVx dh lwpuk nh tk ldrh gSA fuokZpd lwph esa fdlh Hkh rjg dh nksgjh izfof”V ls lacaf/kr lwpuk ifjyf{kr djrh gSA Cont…

ERONET esa inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh Hkwfedk,¡ CEO (State Level) DEO (District Level) ERO/AERO (AC Level) BLO (Polling Station Level) Data Entry Operator (IT Staff at AERO/ERO office)

ftyk fuokZpu inkf/kdkjh (DEO) dh Hkwfedk DEO dh iz’kklfud Hkwfedk%& Monitor and periodically review the progress of form processing. Important Indicators. Alerts Highlights ER Analysis Review Electoral Details of the District. Review Polling Station Details of the District. Monitoring Formats

DEO/ERO dh Hkwfedk Process AC/District Change Request Death Entry Electoral Officer Details (ERO,AERO,BLO, Data Entry Operator) Section Creation within Polling station Rationalization of Polling Station Appeal to DEO

Electoral Roll Details on ERO NET It Consists of :- Electors Details Logical Errors DSE(Demographically Similar Entries) Gender Ratio Elector Population (EP) Ratio Search Details ER Analysis Formats Forms Summary Special Drive Summary

Polling Station Details It contains following details:- Polling Station Details Polling Station with Section Details Rural & Urban Polling Stations With Elector Count Improved Maps Assured Minimum Facility Extended Minimum Facility Probable Polling Station Details

,oa MkVk bUVªh vkWijsVj ds laca/k esaA DSE (Demographically Similar Entries) ,oa MkVk bUVªh vkWijsVj ds laca/k esaA Review DSE – DSE details are available on DASHBOARD of ERONET. DEO/ ERO/AERO should regularly monitor the DASHBOARD regarding DSE. Get the print of DSE and get it regularly verified through BLO with their clear recommendation. ERO/AERO must be satisfied before deletion of electors as per rule. Data Entry Operators have a vital role in digitization of different forms (Form – 6, 6A, 7, 8 & 8A) on ERONET. Because of the carelessness of Data Entry Operators provided by BELTRON/Vendor at DEO and ERO Level, a lot of wrong data entries are uploaded regarding Age, Name etc. of the applicant. DEO/ERO must develop a mechanism to check the quality of the work done by Data Entry Operators to eliminate the errors. Strict action must be taken against the Data Entry Operators who are incompetent or who are continuously doing wrong entry.

/kU;okn !