KDE School Assurances 2018-19 Due October 24, 2018 JCPS Planning and Systems Improvement September 2018
Overview of 2018-2019 Deadlines: Web-based platform: EProve Diagnostics E Prove Log-in site: http://eprovediagnostics.advanc-ed.org/diagnostics/#/log-in Deadlines: Due Dates September 24 Continuous Improvement Diagnostic October 24 School Safety Report Needs Assessment School Assurances December 14 CSIP Closing the Achievement Gap Diagnostic Executive Summary for Schools Title I Review Diagnostic AdvancED School Assurances (for Accreditation) AdvancED School Quality Factors (for Accreditation)
How to Login http://eprovediagnostics.advanc-ed.org/diagnostics/#/log-in All principals should have access to EProve Diagnostics. Trouble logging in? Call the JCPS Planning Department (502) 485-6254
How to Add Users Step 1. To add new users, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner Step 2. Click on Manage Users
How to Add Users Step 3. Click on ‘Add User’ Step 4. Complete the ‘Add User’ Information box and hit ‘submit.’ An administrator has access to grant user rights, assign diagnostics and control user access to the diagnostics (view, edit, delete, lock diagnostics, open diagnostics, etc…). Limiting administrator access per district/school is recommended. Users can have access to either view or edit diagnostics at the district and/or school level.
Adding and accessing the assurances Step 1. To add a diagnostic, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner Step 2. Click on Content Library
Adding and accessing the assurances Step 3. Click on the Kentucky Department of Education tab Step 4. You will see the Phase Two: School Assurances. Click on the vertical ellipses (3 dots) to start the diagnostic .
KDE School Assurances Step 5. Rename your diagnostic by adding your school name and the date of 2018- 19. Administrators can Add Access by entering names in the access tab. Click “Open Diagnostic” to begin
KDE School Assurances The KDE School Assurances contains 12 Yes/No/N/A statements Attachments are optional. The purpose of this report is to meet one of the required components of the CSIP (703 KAR 5:225)
Respond with Yes, No, or N/A KDE Assurances 2018-2019 Respond with Yes, No, or N/A The school planned preschool transition strategies and the implementation process. The school planned or provided appropriate professional development activities for staff members who will be serving Title I students. The school conducted a comprehensive needs assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data, and established objective criteria for identifying eligible Title I students. The school provides professional development for staff based on a comprehensive needs assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data and additional criteria, to ensure all students are college, career, and transition ready. The school planned and developed evidence-based instructional strategies to support and assist identified Title I students. The school planned targeted assistance activities for identified students that coordinate with and support the regular educational program so identified students have access to both. The school planned or developed strategies to monitor and evaluate the success of targeted assistance activities with the identified students and will use the results of the evaluation to inform and improve instructional strategies and professional development activities. The school planned or developed strategies to increase parental involvement in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the targeted assistance activities, which included the implementation of a Parent Compact and a Parent and Family Engagement Policy. The school notifies parents when their child(ren) are taught for four or more consecutive weeks by teachers who are not highly qualified. The school ensures that if the Title I application lists counselors, nurses, media, specialists or "other" staff for the school, there is documentation indicating this need in order to improve student achievement. The school ensures that all paraeducators with instructional duties are under the direct supervision of a certified classroom teacher and providing instruction rather than clerical work. The school ensures that there is a schedule of non-instructional duties for paraeducators demonstrating that the duties are on a limited basis only.
How to Submit Unlike the past, there is NO submit button. Click on the 3 lines and “My Diagnostics” to check status of your reports. If every question from the report is answered, EProve will change the status to a check mark.
How to Download the Report Download the report for your records.
Questions? JCPS Planning and Systems Improvement Florence Chang or Deven Vaught Call: 485-6254 Or email: florence.chang@jefferson.kyschools.us deven.vaught@Jefferson.kyschools.us