The Ten Commandments By:Julia B 8M
“You shall have no other Gods before me” 1st Version: “I am the Lord you God. You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you service.” 2 Version: “Love God more than you love anything else.” Example in my Life: I follow this commandment because every sunday I attend mass and take time to praise my Lord. I pray every night asking God for forgiveness and telling him how much I love him. I keep God's name holy, and only use it in appropriate terms.
“You shall have no other Gods before me” Example for Teens: According to the first commandment, we should only worship God. But instead teens these days are all over social media and worshipping their phones. They should recognize something bigger above them loves them and is waiting for them. God loves us all, no matter what. Example for Others: Today, people may not realize, and may think that things are so much more important than God. For example work, TV, school. But really God is the one that is always watching us and is getting us through all of this. We should take more time to realize that God is great. That he is truly amazing
1. “ You shall have no other Gods before me” I chose this image because it seems as the human is walking away from God. The person maybe feels that God is not worth their time that there is other things to be done
2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol” 1st Version: “Don't make anything in your life more important than God.” 2nd Version: “ You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” Example in my Life: Whenever I am speaking, I make sure I am careful in what I say. From bad words to inapropriate terms, I keep those out of my vocabulary, especially the word God. Now I don't mean that in a bad way I just mean not using God's name with anger or without purpose. Saying God in prayer or church is fine, it just has to be used in appropriate terms. That is why I do not say God in inappropriate terms.
2. “ You shall not mistake for yourself and idol” Example for Teens: These days you'll hear teens usually saying the word God. Now usually you can almost hear the word God in every sentence they say. This is not the correct way teens should be using the Holy name of the Lord. The name of God is supposed to be used in church, prayer, the Bible, pretty much in any Catholic way. It is not supposed to be used for anger, complaining, or just for pleasure. The word God has a lot more meaning than teen's actually think. Example for Others: The word God is a very special name. First of all, it is the name of our Lord. So then why do people use the name of God in other context. People do not realize that the name of God is not something to be just saying. The name of God is very holy and sacred. It is supposed to remind us the sacrifice of God's son and for what God has done for us. It should not be used in a context of frustration, anger, or any other way than praising our Lord. So people should realize that there actually making a mistake. The name of God is Holy, and it should stay Holy including when it is said.
2.“ You shall not mistake for yourself and idol” The reason I chose this picture because to me it really had a lot of meaning. First saying you need to choose the right words. Everyone should think about before what they say to someone. Next is the right words. Which ones are appropriate and which ones are not. Lastly the right action. How you pronouce and express the word is very important as well.
3.“Remember the Sabbath day, by keeping it Holy” 1st version: “ Take time for God on the Sabbath Day” 2nd version: “Keep the Lord's day special” Example in my life: I have a very busy schedule. I constantly have tests, outside activities, and so much more! But out of those days, 1 day out of my whole entire week I keep that day for God, and that is the holy Sabbath day, Sunday. Out of my busy schedule I always keep a commitment every Sunday by attending mass and being welcomed into God's home. God is always waiting for us, he's expecting us. We are fulfilled to attend Mass every Sunday to show God that we appreciate everything that he has done for us. Not only that, to keep in mind that God's name is only to be used and a way of respect, love, and prayer. In my life, you will never hear me say God and a non respectful manner. The only way you will hear God out of my mouth, will be either during prayer or song about our Lord. I intend to fulfill my quest that God has given me to follow in his footsteps to the gates of Heaven
3. “Remember the Sabbath day, by keeping it Holy” Examples for teens: Personally, I know a lot of people that do not attend Mass every Sunday. I do not judge those people who do not, because I know they still keep a place in their hearts for God. These days teenagers really do think that Mass is boring. But what they may not know is that there is a whole new meaning then to just reading and scriptures. God is much bigger than that. Teens would rather spend time playing outside and being on their phones instead of just taking at least an hour out of their whole busy lives in one week to spend time with our Lord. Is that really too much to ask? Even if we may not attend Mass, God loves us either way. Example for others: The same idea falls for other people. In general people really do think mass is boring. For anybody who is older or may not realize that God is actually always watching them, even though they may not know it. God loves us all, he created us all, so should we love him back. God will love us no matter what we do, he will always forgive us, he will always care for us, and he will always be beside us. So I have a question then, why can't people realize the amount of time God puts for us so why can we not do the same thing for him. It really isn't that much to ask. I'm guilty of it too, maybe even being bored in church but I know that God always loves me. So for people out there who don’t go to mass, that's fine. But keep in mind God will, no matter what, try to pull you in closer and closer towards him and his eternal love.
3. “Remember to keep the Sabbath day, by keeping it Holy” The reason I chose this picture is that we all make decisions in life. Some of those decisions can be weather or not to choose to be closer to God or not, God always welcomes us into his arms. But we just have to make the right decision to get there.
4. “Honour your Father and Mother” 1st version: “Remember to respect and love your parents” 2nd version: “ Give your attention and love to your Father and Mother” Example in my life: My parents are very special to me. They help me with homework, give me advice, and of course love me. I am so happy with the parents I was given. I always make sure to help my parents to the best of my ability. For example, helping my mom with dishes or laundry. Or helping my dad with mowing the lawn. Little things are always great because God always sees them and will reward you.
4. “ Honour your Father and Mother” Example for teens: Sometimes, youth may not really like helping their parents. Teens these days would rather be lazy, and do something they want to do. Our parents love us very much. They always appreciate our help. So why don't we help them? For the numerous things our parents have done and sacrificed for us, we at least owe them that. Our parents are very special, and teens should really recognize that. Example for others: We should all be thankful for our parents. First of all, they brought us into this world. Two, they have sacrificed numerous things for our wellbeing. Parents are truly amazing. So that's why we should always take the time to thank our parents. Also respect our parents for everything they have done for us.
4. “ Honour your Father and you Mother” The reason I chose this picture is because it really represents that we will always need our parents support. That our parents will love us no matter what and will always be there for us .
5. “ You shall not kill” 1st version: “ Do not kill relationshipS with people and God” 2nd version: “ You shall not commit murder” Example in my life: What is the meaning of you shall not kill? Obviously it means not commit murder, but what is the true deeper meaning? Thou shall not kill also has to do with our relationship with God and others. It should teach us that we should respect relationships and not reck any relationships with anyone or anybody's. That includes gossiping, being unkind, not being the best you can possibly be. In my life I choose to be kind, humble, and helpful. I doing this by keeping myself away from the devil, leaving me a pathway to God. I choose to be kind to the people around me, and I'm glad that I do.
5. “ Thou shall not kill” Examples to teens: These days teens are most likely known for gossiping, being unkind, and really ruining relationships. We can all avoid this by doing the exact opposite. Listening to the good side of your conscience, letting God take the lead once in awhile. You could always put your faith and trust in God no matter what. Example for other: The same problems applies to other people in this world. We cannot be kind to one another, but again we can change that. We should take the time to think about our actions and words before done or said. We should try to be more kind to one another, even if someone has done wrong towards us. God is always there to help us, no matter what.
5. Thou shall not kill The reason I chose this photo was it had a lot of meaning. The Commandment thou shall not kill, represents the few meanings I had listed before. Especially not breaking our relationships. In the picture there is a heart being put back together by a Band-Aid. This represents that we can always fix our relationships
6. “ You shall not commit adultery” Fisrt Version: “ Never hurt anyone” Second Version: “ Thou shalt not dishonor someone close to you” Example for myself: I never plan to commit adultery. Committing adultery is very wrong. But for reference for my future self, when I am in a relationship with someone, I am supposed to be with them. Im supposed to honour and only want to be with them. But in the mean time going around and dishonouring my relationship that I made with that person, is very wrong and sad.
“ 6. You shall not commit adultery” Example for teenagers: Teens should understand that a relationship is supposed to be faithful, happy, and with God. Even if you're only in a relationship that you are only boyfriend and girlfriend, you still should be faithful to that person. God knows and sees everything. That's why you should consider before you are doing something. Example for others: To people who are older and are in marriage, they have committed to a long life of marriage with one person and in the trust of God. Marriage is a symbol of love and trust. Not lying and not being honest. God is always there to help us. So in marriage, you should be always faithful to your partner. After all you and your partner were the ones to make a commitment to each other forever
6. “You shall not commit adultery” The reason I chose this image was because you see the couple putting the rings on each other's fingers. The rings symbolize forever. Marriage is supposed to be forever, and honest. Not the opposite
7. “ You shall not steal” 1st version: “ Do not take anything that is not yours” 2nd version: “ Thou shall be honest and not take another's possessions” Example in my life: I have never stole a thing in my life. I know that stealing is wrong. Stealing is what the devil is telling us to do. We ignore the fact that God may be upset, but we do it anyways. I learned since I was little that stealing is bad. I intend to never ever steal. Because I know God is watching, and will always see the truth.
7. “You shall not steal” Example for teenagers: More things like shoplifting usually more frequently comes from teanagers, but why? Why do people think that stealing is right? Teenagers should really realize that our Lord is watching. That he always wants us to do the right thing. He doesn't want us to steal, he wants us to follow in his path of goodness and faithfulness. Example for others: Not only youth, but other people also steal. But I want to know why, what pleasure do you get from stealing. If I ever stole, I would feel a great amount of shame and guilt. Shame and guilt knowing that the Lord watched me do something that was truly wrong. God wants us to be more like him, and we should at least try.
7. “You shall not steal” The reason I chose this image is it shows in general someone stealing. We have to make the choice. Do we love God and follow him or do we not and just want what we think is best for ourselves?
8. “You shall not bear false witness ” 1st version: “ Always tell the truth” 2nd version: “ You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor Example in my life: This commandment is all about not lying or saying something that isn't true about someone else. I will be honest, I have broken this commandment before. I am not proud of it, but I have learned my lesson. Being honest and pure is always the best way to go. Why should anyone spread rumours or be dishonest?
8. “ You shall not bear false witness” Example for teens: These days teenagers can be quite mean and harsh. The things we can see about one another is truly wrong. That's why we should be more honest with ourselves, and only see the truth. You should not spread rumors or lies about someone which you may not even know what's going on in their life currently. God always knows the truth, no matter what. God loves us and expect us to do the right thing Example for others: For others people, same thing applies. We should be always more kind to one another. We should always be honest and not spread lies. As the old phrase says “ Honesty is the best policy.”
8. “You shall not bear false witness” The reason I chose this image was you can clearly see the woman in the front is upset because she knows that the girls behind her are talking about her. It is very sad to see something like this. God always knows everything, including the truth
9. “ You shall not covet your neighbor's wife” 1st version: “Do not interfere with your neighbors relationship” 2nd version: “ Do not take someone else's wife” Example in my life: obviously I am not married yet, but I definitely know a few things about marriage. Again going back to being honest with your relationship and everything, you need to keep in mind that yourself cannot get involved into someone else's relationship. The best thing you could do for this is for yourself to find someone. Going into someone else's relationship it's technically you breaking their commitment of marriage. It is wrong and very sad.
9. “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife” Example for teens: for youth, they should understand that for the future they should not want to interrupt into anyone's marriage commitment. Marriage is supposed to be between two people that decided to commit to each other, not someone interrupting and breaking that commitment. We should always keep in mind that eventually we can find someone, we should not disturb someone else's relationship for our own sake Example for other: this applies to people out there that feel lonely, and have the need to wreck someone's relationship, for their own sake. As I said before this is wrong, and one day there will be someone out there for you. God wants us to understand that marriage is more than just two people in love, it is the making a life commitment, caring for each other, and having trust in God
9. “ You shall not covet your neighbor's wife” The reason why I chose this image was you can clearly see the two couple struggling. Maybe struggling with trust. God knows what is right. He will always help us. But first we need to make the right decision first before having his help.
10. “ You shall not covet your neighbor's Goods” 1st version: “ Be happy with what you have” 2nd version: “ Do not dream over your neighbor’s possessions Example in my life: I'll be honest, I have dreamed over things that other people have. I know it is wrong, but as human as we are, we always want the best. When we see that someone else has something better than us, we wish for the same happiness as they have. I do my best to be happy for that person, but sometimes it is hard.
10. “ You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods” Example for teens: probably a common thing that teens desire that other people have are phones. People will have a better phone than some and some have better, but we cannot always get jealous and dream that we had the same thing. We should be happy with what we have and know that it does have the same function, and even though someone else's phone is better, we should be happy that we at least have a phone. Example for others: for other people, we can always dream for different things that other people may have. We should always remember, that one day we will be awarded, by God in the kingdom of heaven. We should love God and trust in him. We should always be happy with what God provides us, and what we have currently.
10. “ You shall let covet your neighbor's goods” The reason I chose this image was because you can clearly see that the woman on the left is jealous, or wishes that she could have the present that the woman on the right has. We always need to remember that we should always be happy with what we have.