Fig. 7. Intrapatient variation in key contact signatures for PGDM1400 and PGT121. Intrapatient variation in key contact signatures for PGDM1400 and PGT121. Logo plots of viral sequence diversity in the key PGDM1400 and PGT121 contact sites (figs. S8 to S10) in 10 HIV-1–infected individuals for whom >150 full-length env sequences were available in the Los Alamos Sequence Database. The subject ID is indicated above each plot. The x axis indicates the amino acid position based on HXB2 numbering. The y axis indicates the probability of an amino acid at this location. O indicates an Asn that is part of a PNGS. Blue reflects sensitivity signatures, red reflects resistance signatures, and black reflects no statistically significant associated with antibody sensitivity. Boris Julg et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaao4235 Published by AAAS