An activity to build community among LEADERS Teresa Bunner, Jenni Greene, Kristana Rogers,
Deciding on Lunch? A. C. B. D.
Crisis in School… A. C. B. D.
Work I do in my building… A. C. B. D.
Last Minute Presentation… C. B. D.
Relationship with closest friends… B. D.
History of Leadership Compass Draws from a Native American practice called the “Medicine Wheel” or “Four Fold Way” Each direction is described as: Warrior (North) Healer (South) Teacher (West) Visionary (East) Each direction has profound strengths and potential weaknesses, but we are all able to grow in each area!
History of Leadership Compass Each has a “Human Resource” as well as struggles associated with loss or difficulties Power (North) Love (South) Wisdom (West) Vision (East) Everyone can access the gifts associated with each direction through work and practice to become more whole!
Share Strengths Go to corner you most identify with A-NORTH (Results oriented) B-SOUTH (Relationships oriented) C-EAST (Vision oriented) D-WEST (Process oriented) Discuss greatest STRENGTHS of this leadership style and what seems most comfortable to you
Partner with someone from your opposite direction Share Challenges Partner with someone from your opposite direction North with South East with West Discuss potential CHALLENGES in your leadership style and the difficulties in dealing with other directions
North/South pair with East/West Importance of Balance North/South pair with East/West Discuss the importance of BALANCE on leadership teams. How can this effect the success of the work that you do at your school?
SHARE OUT situation and strategies with “Shoulder Partner” and gather feedback Reflection Return to original seat Silently think about a challenging staff member Which one of the leadership styles would he/she fit under? Individually reflect (using chart provided) and come up with TWO new strategies on how to deal with this challenging situation