USE FIELD ACCESS SECURITY IN CLIENT/MATTER INQUIRY Would you like to be able to allow certain timekeepers into Client/Matter Inquiry to perform their own searches, but can’t because it exposes fields that they should not be able to view? If you have Juris Suite, you can set permission to fields in Client/Matter Inquiry to allow those users into the function without exposing those sensitive fields. Here’s how: In Juris Suite, go to Inquiry > Client/Matter Inquiry Select the Field Permissions button Expand the field area nodes on the Field Access Permissions tab and find the field name(s) you wish to hide from this user. On the User column set the field from True to False Repeat steps 4-5 for any field that you wish to remove from this user’s screen. Select the name of the user whose access you wish to limit. The Copy buttons at the bottom of the form can be used to copy this user’s settings to others.