NO PROBLEMS WITH GENDER EQUALITY IN DENMARK – I BEG YOUR PARDON! Anita Frank Goth Editor at KVINFOs Web Magazine and Women Dialogue and KVINFOs projectleader on Who Makes the News 2010 KVINFO is the Danish Centre for Information on Gender, Equality and Diversity
Denmark – Second Best in EU
Danish Women 2013 Women are the breadwinner in every third family in Denmark
We Are Good At….
Denmark in Denial Is gender equality something the white ethnic Danish people have and something the ethnic minority groups are missing?
KVINFOs Mentor Network
The Simple Secret of Succes
4.000 mentors
3.400 mentees
Two Different Spheres Business mentoring + Values of Womens movement
An example
3 years later
Best pratice Next practice
Experts in the News in Denmark – GMMP 2010 Every twentieth news source is a female expert, every eighth is male expert. In this way the picture emerges from the news media that women have less expertise when it comes to professional knowledge and analysis. - GMMP 2010
The Body and the Aestetic Skills Shes got a really gorgeous figure, and its clear with that dress that thats what its all about. It is elegant and simple and it accentuates her figure, but it could have been a bit more distinctive. – thats how Lotte Freddie covered the story in the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende on 28 February Danish Film Director, Susanne Bier, Oscar 2011
Best EU-Practice 2013
Denmark in Transition
Countries in Transition
Men in Transistion
Equality Is Beneficial for Men
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