Frenship Senior News A-CJulie Pratt, Tim Carter D-HeMandy Coers, Michael McKelvy Hf-MeAmy Smallwood, Jim Burke Mg-SaHolly Johnson, Chem Burks Sb-ZKristen Hudgens, Shannon Morrison
Spring Dual Credit Registration and payment begins on November 14, 2013, for the Spring semester with South Plains College. You will receive a postcard in the mail with the information for our dual credit sign up night in the Spring semester.
Dual Credit Students and parents need to check with potential colleges/universities to see if dual credit hours will transfer. Frenship cannot guarantee all dual credit courses will transfer in the area that you are hoping. There is a new TSI test in place of the Accuplacer.
SENIORS Check counselor web page for information about scholarships and senior year. Ms. Vernon is the contact person on graduation information (caps, gowns, etc.) Mrs. Whistler is the contact person for transcripts. Request transcripts on the FHS webpage/counselors.
SENIORS Applying to College (by Thanksgiving) College Visits (2) Follow counselor twitter Check College/University Websites Freshman admissions Deadlines Scholarships Check counselor Website/Useful Links for more!
Letters of Recommendation Give plenty of time to complete before deadline. Fill out personal fact sheet on counseling web page and give to recommender. Give name, address and purpose of scholarship. Attach self-addressed, stamped envelope so that it can be mailed.
College Entrance Testing TSI This is required unless a student is exempt through TAKS, ACT, or SAT scores. TAKS exemption = ELA 2200/3 on writing, Math 2200 SAT exemption = 1070, w/at least 500 on Math and Critical Reading ACT exemption = 23 Composite w/ 19 minimum on English and Math TSI is given at FHS. Sign up with Mrs. Rodriguez in the counseling suite.
ACT Test Dates *October 26, 2013 *December 14, 2013 *February 8, 2014 *April 12, 2014 *June 14, 2014 *FHS is a testing site on these dates.
SAT Test Dates – November 2, 2013 *December 7, 2013 *January 25, 2014 March 8, 2014 *May 3, 2014 *June 7, 2014 *FHS is a testing site on these dates.
ACT/SAT Boot Camp December 3 rd and 4 th on FHS campus. Fee is $60 for both or $40 for one. Watch Tiger Vision News and check the college readiness website for registration information.
Free Online Test Preparation
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test is available to juniors and seniors on November 4 th at 8:30 am, free of charge. Students need to watch announcements on signing up for this optional test.
Coffee with the Counselors These will be posted on our website and announced on Tiger Vision News. College recruiters will come visit with our students about the admissions process. Monday mornings from 8 to 9 am.
Senior Conferences Counselors will meet with seniors individually starting Oct. 1 st. Our goal is to meet with them before Thanksgiving Break. They will get a yellow contact sheet and a packet of information in Home Room on Oct. 1 st.
Questions A-C D-He Hf-Me Mg-Sa Sb-Z