The Debauchery and Doom of Belshazzar Daniel 5
From the International Inductive Study Bible, p. 1432.
Historical Setting Nebuchadnezzar died in 562 BC after ruling for 43 years. After his death, the glory of the Babylonian kingdom began to fade. Nebuchadnezzar was succeeded by his son Evil-Merodach who ruled for 2 years (562 – 560 BC). Evil-Merodach was murdered in 560 by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who then took the throne and ruled for 4 years. Neriglissar was succeeded by his young son Labashi-Marduk, who ruled only 2 months before he was assassinated and succeeded by Nabonidus, who reigned 17 years (556-539 BC). Nabonidus was not part of the royal line but evidently married into it. He worked hard to restore the glory that Babylon had under Nebuchadnezzar, but also spent much time away from the capital city. He appointed his eldest son Belshazzar as co-regent. This explains why Belshazzar is called king (5:1) and why he exercised authority even though Nabonidus held the throne. Some thirty years have passed since the events of chapter 4 and Daniel is about 81 years.
Historical Setting As the events of chapter 5 unfold, the Babylonians are about to be conquered by the Medo-Persians. The historian Herodotus states that the Babylonians first moved north to meet Cyrus’ oncoming forces, but when they were initially defeated, they returned to the protection of the fortified city. Apparently the Babylonians were aware that the Medo-Persians were at their gates, but felt their city was impenetrable…and with good reason.
Outline of Daniel 5 An Impious Feast (5:1-4) The Miraculous Writing (5:5-9) Daniel Summoned (5:10-16) The Interpretation of the Writing (5:17-28) The Exaltation of Daniel and End of Belshazzar (5:29-31)
Next Time: The Decree of Darius Daniel 6