26-15+12 = Math Transitions Mr. Casen C. Sharp Explain Math Transitions # of Ss Recess-lunch set time Shorter than previous years How far students are traveling (x) What we do to begin the lesson (planner) **next slide – what a planner is and what we do with it for math
– what a planner is and what we do with it for math
How the planner filling out portion looks.
Round 1: Guiding Question I am repeatedly reminding individuals and groups of students what to do for the math transition What are the teachers and students doing during the math transition? Focused on ALL students
Round 1: Data Collection Kept track of the time specific tasks (giving directions, getting seated, planners ready, and planners marked) took for students and me in the transition Focused on time Time they arrived Time they got seated Time they got planners out Time the lesson began Yellow goes on at same time as purple. 35-45 minutes Where I was. Where they were.
Round 2: Guiding Question I noticed I was feeling more anxious about repeatedly reminding individuals and groups of students what to do for the math transition What are teachers and students doing during the math transition? Focused more on just the students staying and coming in. Could easily get my students out the door, and had no control over when the students from Ms. Buseth and Ms. Phillips’ class would be coming over.
Round 2: Data Collection Video recording to track what students and I do during the transition Day Ready (Planners out) Talking (Planner not ready) Out of seat Miscellaneous 1 8 7 3 5 2 10 6 9 4 Focused on what they were doing, and what they should be doing as we begin our math block 15 day one not ready 13 day two 14 day three 14 day four
Using Resources Mullins, Jenna, personal communication, Oct. 22, 2013. Sharp, Colby, personal communication, Oct. 17, 2013. Stacks, Betsey, personal communication, Oct. 1, 2013. Talking About Teaching with Jim Knight, & The Teaching Channel. Strategies To Improve Lesson Transitions And Class Time Management [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/improve-transition-time-management https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/improve-transition-time-management : Agenda powerpoint. Like what I did Estimating time and showing the students the timer – Something I would consider if the transitions were still rough.
Round 3: Guiding Question I realized getting through planners can take up a lot of time if we do not get them started right away. I also realized that I could participate in the transition process differently What does a smooth transition to math look like? Students need to come in and have their planners out so we can add in the homework.
Round 3: Data Collection Video recording to track what students and I do during the math transition Again, I focused on time. However, this time I just focused on when the students were ready with their planners on their desk. The lesson cannot begin until we have written our homework on the planner If we can speed up the time it takes to do the planner we will have more time for the lesson.
Round 3: Data Collection Video recording to track what students and I do during the math transition Day Ready (Planners out) Talking (Planner not ready) Out of seat Miscellaneous 1 21 2 18 3 20 4 Again, I focused on time. However, this time I just focused on when the students were ready with their planners on their desk. The lesson cannot begin until we have written our homework on the planner If we can speed up the time it takes to do the planner we will have more time for the lesson.
Work smarter, not harder Explain graph
Work smarter, not harder Round Ready (Planners out) Talking (Planner not ready) Out of seat Miscellaneous 2 9 7 3 4 19 1 Explain chart
Conclusions When teachers participate more directly in the learning process it provides support for students to be more successful. When teachers make a personal connection to students they are able to more clearly convey their expectations. When I stood outside the classroom to tell each student to have their planner out I participated directly in the transition process and it helped the transitions become smoother for the students and myself. When teachers make a personal connection to students they are able to more clearly convey their expectations. Throughout the year I have done this by showing a vested interest in my students personality and learning. Now that I have the personal connection all I have to do now is point while in the hallway, and they know what the expectation is
Thank You! Mrs. Stacks Ms. Buseth Ms. Phillips Mr. Hutchins Dr. Shanton Dr. Mitchell The Concord Elementary staff and faculty My student teaching colleagues Mr. Casteele Mrs. Fisher Mrs. Murray Mrs. Higgings Mrs. Seeley Dr. Alozie Jason Moritz Karen Hoaglin Mary Weicht Guy Cox My parents, Rob and Kathy Sharp Colby, Alaina, Breslin, Dharia, and A.J. Sharp Jenna, Bobby, Brock, and Brant Mullins Louie Sharp Sam Sharp Cole Sharp Cal Sharp The Conklin family