PREVENTION OF CRIME Sections 106 to 110 of C r P C Sec. 106- Security for keeping the peace on conviction. Court may at the time of passing sentence of such person, order him to execute a bond, with or without sureties, for keeping the peace for such period, not exceeding three years. OFFENCES OR ABETTMENT THERE OF (a) Offences punishable under chapter viii of IPC other than u/s 153A,153B or Sec 154
(b) Offence consisting of assault or using criminal force or committing mischief. (c) Criminal intimidation. (d) Offences, likely/intended/known to be likely to cause a breach of peace. IF CONVICTION IS SET ASIDE ON APPEAL OR OTHERWISE, THE BOND SO EXECUTED SHALL BECOME VOID Appellate court may also pass such order.
Sec. 107- Security for keeping the peace in other cases. EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE- receives information about breach of peace or disturb public tranquillity –and is of opinion that there is sufficient ground to proceed- person to show cause- why he should not be ordered to execute bond. Place of disturbance(apprehension) is within local jurisdiction or the person is within his jurisdiction and place may be beyond such jurisdiction.
Sec. 108 Security for good behaviour from persons disseminating seditious matters. 1. EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE- receives information – in his local jurisdiction any person who, within or without such jurisdiction (i) Either orally or in writing disseminates intentionally:- (a) Any matter whose publication is punishable u/s 124A,153A,153B or 295A IPC. (b) Concerning a Judge acting in the discharge of his official duties, which amounts to criminal intimidation or defamation.
(ii) Makes, produces, publishes, keeps for sale, imports, exports, conveys, sells, lets to hire, distributes, publicly exhibits or puts into circulation any obscene matter referred to in Sec 292 IPC. Executive Magistrate may require to show cause- bond for his good behaviour with or with out sureties not exceeding one year. No proceeding against editor, proprietor, printer or publisher of a publication registered under THE PRESS AND REGISTERATION OF BOOKS ACT 1867
Sec.109.Security for good behaviour from suspected persons. EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE- receives information that a person is concealing his presence with a view to commit cognizable offence- bond-1 year Sec. 110. Security for good behaviour from habitual offenders, persons who are:- (a) by habit robber, house breaker, thief or forger (b) receiver of stolen property. (c) habitually protects or harbours thieves or aids in concealment or disposal of stolen property.
(d) kidnapping, abduction, extortion, cheating or mischief or offence under chapter xii of IPC or sections 489A to 489D of IPC. (e) acts involving a breach of peace. (f) habitually commits or abets commission of offence under:- (i) The drugs and cosmetics act 1940 (ii) The foreign exchange regulation act 1973. (iii) The employees provident fund (and family pension fund) act 1952.
(iv) Prevention of food adulteration act 1954. (v) The essential commodities act 1955. (vi) The untouchability act 1955. (vii) The customs act 1962. (viii) The foreigners act 1946 (g) Offence punishable under any other law providing for the prevention of hoarding or profiteering or of adulteration of food or drugs or of corruption.
(h) If the Person is so desperate and dangerous as to render his being at large without security hazardous to the community WITH OR WITHOUT SURETIES BOND- 1 YEAR. CHAPTER XI Section 149- Police to prevent cognizable offences Every police officer may interpose for the purpose of preventing, and shall, to the best of his ability, prevent the commission of any cognizable offence.
Sec. 150. Information of design to commit cognizable offences. Police Officer will communicate to his senior officer about information of a design to commit any cognizable offence and to any other officer whose duty is to prevent such offence or to take cognizance. Sec. 151. Arrest to prevent the commission of cognizable offences. 1. A police officer knowing of a design to commit any cognizable offence may arrest, without orders from a Magistrate and without a warrant, the person so
Designing, if it appears to such officer that the commission of the offence cannot be otherwise prevented. 2. No person arrested shall be detained in custody for a period exceeding 24 hrs from the time of his arrest unless is required or authorised under any other provisions of this code or any other law for the time being in force. PREPARATION OF KALANDRAS (PRACTICAL) THANKS