A Canadian Space Agency Perspective on SAR-related ARD Paul Briand, Yves Crevier LSI VC 2 meeting July 20-22, 2016 Paul.briand@canada.ca Yves.crevier@canada.ca
RADARSAT 2 Beam Modes
RADARSAT 2 Polarization Options
RADARSAT 2 Products Types RADARSAT 2 Product Description, Issue 1/13 March 21, 2016 http://mdacorporation.com/docs/default-source/technical-documents/geospatial-services/52-1238_rs2_product_description.pdf?sfvrsn=10
Summary of RADARSAT 2 Product Characteristics
Analysis Ready Data Challenges for RADARSAT 2 RADARSAT 2 possesses advance SAR capabilities in support to operational and innovative applications InSAR, coherent change detection and polarimetric decomposition are key techniques commonly used by RADARSAT 2 users Designed as an “a la carte” system offering a wide variety of modes and processing levels to suit the custom needs of the users The definition of a single ARD would defeat the purpose of the mission This said – a precedent is created in support of the marine security stakeholders (MSSR mode) – there is nothing that hinders us to define a terrestrial ARD
Analysis Ready Data RCM Context RCM acquisition strategy will be performed under a systematic standard coverage concept allowing coherent thematic data collection All data will be processed automatically – no backlog Users want to spend more time on analysis rather than pre-processing The above supports the concept for the definition of SAR ARD associated with data processing toolboxes for higher product’s levels while preserving the system capabilities
Analysis Ready Data Solution for RCM Proposed product Low-level, pre-processing products with a broad user base (calibrated beta, sigma, gamma naught) Toolbox* for: (local- and/or cloud-based) Automatic orthorectified imagery Backscatter and speckle filtering products Polarimetric decompositions and coherent change products Lake ice on/off products InSAR Toolbox * Currently under development by the CCMEO within the DUAP program