Leight’s LITE Lights Scott Lee - IDAX Cindy Pionke - Knox County Jeffrey J. Kupko - Michael Baker International Praveen Edara - University of Missouri Steve Lavrenz - ITE Headquarters
Harnessing the 'Smart Cities' initiative to improve mobility for aging and disadvantaged populations
Cities that responded to the US DOT Smart City Challenge Background Population Shift History of Transportation Data and Technology Smart City Challenge ~ 10% of challenge areas identified by finalists touched on aging and disadvantaged populations Applicants Finalists Cities that responded to the US DOT Smart City Challenge
Problem Statement Recommendation "How can the transportation profession utilize the 'Smart Cities' initiative to improve mobility for aging and disadvantaged populations?" Recommendation leveraging smart cities to enhance mobility for the elderly and disadvantaged Our recommendations will focus on a set of engagement-based solutions with stakeholder groups representing transportation, technology, and vulnerable users (defined herein as aging and disadvantaged populations). Engagement-based solutions with stakeholder groups representing transportation, technology, and vulnerable users
Equitable Mobility for All Outreach findings Stakeholders involved with independent initiatives - on aging and disadvantaged But, no direct involvement of major stakeholders in the Smart Cities initiative How can ITE help?
Creating National Guidance and Clearinghouse Standing committee on Smart Communities Task Force On-demand resource portal Coordination with existing ITE products Technical publications Vision Zero Task Force Transportation Health Task Force
Technical Work/Assistance ITE headquarters staff Technical councils Districts/sections/chapters Student chapters Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Connecting Membership Listening Sessions Peer exchange with key stakeholders LeadershipITE ITE Journal, Spotlight, Community ITE Learning Hub Webinars Podcasts On-Demand Content Peer Exchange with Midwest DOTs on TSMO Integration
Incorporate External Stakeholders Focus on connecting technology interests with equity interests Transportation Organizations Public Health Planning and Development Specialized Interests Technology associations
Coordinate with Canadian Smart Cities Challenge What better time than now?!? Tap into existing projects U.S. Challenge: emphasis on technology and connected datasets ITE’s Focus: equitable mobility, livable communities Tap into existing projects Smart Cities Forum Future Cities Catapult
Acknowledgements ITE Board of Directors External Stakeholders: ADA, AARP, APHA TSMO Council, Smart Communities Task Force LeadershipITE Mentors: Paul Barricklow, Hardik Shah