Welcome to Physical Science Class! See Ms. Pici for your assigned seat and your class requirement sheet
Think Not all classes apply directly your life and your interests However that does not make the class not valuable Education is an end in and of itself, and a privilege. The pursuit of knowledge is valuable and important
Cooperative learning environment An easy grade is worthless. It says nothing about your abilities and accomplishments. We will working in a cooperative learning environment and everyone is expected to contribute to class discussions. We will have lots of fun but know the difference between education and entertainment expect education! Fun is just a bonus
Effort Only you can learn. Teachers cannot make you learn and cannot teach unless you are an active participant in the process. You must make an effort to engage the material and make it your own. View your education as your job. Show up on time, follow the rules, stay late if necessary but put in lots of effort, and the payoff will come.
Index cards On the index card please answer the following Name /Birthday/ One interesting thing about yourself Favorite subject and why What is the best way you learn What sports do you play
What does Science mean to you? Discuss this with your partner and brain storm and whiteboard your response together
Day 2 :) Turn in your signed Lab contract and write your 1 classroom rule on the poster board. Take out a piece of paper at the top label it questions of the day and underneath put 9/8/16: Question of the day: How do you believe technology and science are related? Discuss this with your partner, record on your piece of paper.
Class Lab Look at your table and look for the element taped to the table you will need to locate the tray with the same element and collect your lab supplies on that tray You need: a candle matches beaker
On your whiteboard Name the equipment on your tray What’s in the petri dish? What’s in the beaker?
Questions to white board with your partner Why did the candle go out? Why did the water go into the beaker?
Discussion on whiteboards How could you improve this experiment? 2.What if you repeated the experiment in a greenhouse? A crowded elevator? 3.What if you used a smaller or larger candle? 4. What if you used more or less water?
Homework Lab Safety Tweet due friday, remember to take one out of the tweet box!