Meeting, training & teaching in the interactive iWorld Doing More with More Good morning everyone and thank you for coming. This morning I would like to present to you my interpretation of what doing more with more means to me. We are living in wonderful times aren't we? Never before in the history of technology have we had some much at any one time. In the early days we had to make do with what we had, or try to do more with less. Now we have some many options, so much technology and resources and yet we still cling to the old ways and habits of how we have always done things. Why? Is it because those ways are better? Sometimes, but usually not. Is it because its easier? Sometimes, but you would be surprised at how easy some of the new methods and technology really is. I feel that it is that we tend to stick with what we know, what we are comfortable with. And for as much as we are, or at least should be, on the leading edge of technology and it’s implementation, we (as IT units) tend to hang on to the old ways. Just by a quick show of hands, how many people have attended a meeting in the past month or two that still involved the use of a whiteboard and markers? Again by a quick show of hands how many have attended a meeting were an projector and powerpoint was used? And finally how many people here hate meetings and endless powerpoint presentations? Well then it’s a good thing you chose to come here today as I am here to tell you there is hope. In fact some of the things I am going to talk about today, some of you may already be using, or things very similar to it. I certainly won’t be able to talk about everything that could be used as this is only a 50 minute presentation, but I am going to highlight a few. Meeting, training & teaching in the interactive iWorld
The More! As you can see there are many different platforms, applications and delivery methods that can be used when trying to transfer knowledge and ideas to others. All we have to do is look at them as see if they can make an improvement to the way we already do things.
Teaching, Training & Meetings: Origins Typically teaching, training or meetings were done in very much the same way. A non-interactive presentation by a single or group of individuals using such tools as; chalkboards/whiteboards, flip charts, PowerPoints or hand outs. Feedback was also done by way of; show of hands, paper evaluation forms and/or emails. Teaching Training or Meetings usually done in the same way. Typically they were rarely interactive and rarely engaging.
Teaching, Training & Meetings: The New Paradigm TT&M must become more engaging to turn students/attendees into active, focused participants, and this can make meetings and lessons themselves more efficient. With the new technology available, teaching, trainings and meetings become a more robust, fully interactive and a more efficient method of information delivery.
Tablets: The beginning When Steve Jobs first introduced the iPad, he acknowledged that for a tablet to have a “reason for being,” it had to be “far better at some key things” than either a smartphone or laptop. Changes in technology ushers in culture changes Tablets have become the fastest ramping computing device in history Reason for being - Changes in culture - What we do and how we do it. Show next slide
As you can see Tablets (in all there forms and OSs) have accounted for a huge ramp up over a five year period. Computing paradigm is rapidly changing, particularly given the speed with which tablets from different vendors are entering the consumer market and beginning to impact on both the classroom and boardroom.
Tablets: The Missing Pieces DeskConnect allows you to send any file from any device to another device. You can move web pages, documents pictures and everything else. You can also specify which device to send it to. This is one application (for Mac users only) that takes what seems like a simple idea, and makes it work. Give example of taking docs & Ideas to a meeting.
Tablets: The Missing Pieces This is one application (for Mac users only) that takes what seems like a simple idea, and makes it work. Give example of taking docs & Ideas to a meeting.
Tablets: The Missing Pieces This is one application (for Mac users only) that takes what seems like a simple idea, and makes it work. Give example of taking docs & Ideas to a meeting.
Tablets: An Interactive Approach Bring the classroom or boardroom to life with interactive mobile presentations that teachers or presenters create and customize themselves. Bring the classroom or meeting to life with interactive mobile presentations that teachers or presenters create and customize themselves.
Tablets: An Interactive Approach Roambi Flow™ lets you combine multi-touch navigation with rich interactive media from Roambi Analytics™, YouTube, Vimeo, embedded videos, images, and text to create a fully immersive experience for your audience. Creating Roambi Flow™ publications is easy and fast. Using templates and layouts, Roambi Flow™ lets you focus on telling your story instead of worrying about formatting.
Tablets: An Interactive Approach Idea Flight is the only tool you need to share your ideas and presentations on iPad. Remotely control devices from your iPad, show presentations native to iPad easily and effectively, network and make new connections. Idea Flight lets one person (the Pilot) use their iPad to control a presentation to an audience (their Passengers) of other iPads via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Tablets: Still More to Come Questions?