Clearing the Path for Student Success The Role of the Registrar Rebecca Mathern University Registrar Oregon State University
Student Success and New practices Recent advent of national projects to help us achieve the holy grail – STUDENT COMPLETION! Lumina and the expanded transcript University Innovation Alliance (collaboration with other colleagues) EAB SSC (Campus, Advising Hub) Unizin (LoudSight, Blue Canary, Instructure)
Current state vs proposed solutions Using currently owned or cloud operated tools to focus on graduation, retention and student success vs Purchasing new software that promises a quick win and increase in student success How do you separate the wheat from the chaff?
Data Analytics as part of the solution Number of new staff dedicated to the analytics Purpose of analytics Understanding data versus achieving student behavioral change or delivering needs to students
Welp- that’s a LOT of work What do we do? How do we react when they “need” information and data from us but we have other work to do? How do we help others measure the outcome to determine what will be fruitful?
How the Registrar CAN be helpful Plan your work. Create a cogent, logical and straightforward plan with rationale (and maybe even some data to support it). Get buy-in. Communicate with others. Monitor and adjust as needed based on what others are doing. Work your plan.
Foundational work If you don’t have this- create it…with your team. Mission Vision Goals Values Identify why this must be connected to the student success initiatives of your institution. If its not, is it relevant? This foundational work should support the plan AND should directly tie to the institutional mission and vision.
The Office of the Registrar Mission The Office of the Registrar ensures Oregon State’s institutional integrity by providing enrollment and instructional services, maintaining academic history, and supporting students, faculty and staff. Vision We are innovative University partners providing a clear path for student success. Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar Goals Improve information and communication to equip students, faculty and staff with the tools and information they need to be successful. Goal 2 Streamline and optimize Office of the Registrar processes and services to ensure that students, staff and faculty have resources available in a timely manner. Goal 3 Create an organizational culture that attracts and retains excellent staff; develop effective organization structures and systems for the 21st Century university Goal 4 Create a clear path for students to efficiently reach their academic goals and increase retention, graduation rates, and academic success. Goal 5 Provide timely, accurate data to inform strategic decisions for students, faculty, and staff. Goal 6 Enhance and safeguard institutional integrity to elevate the value and reputation of Oregon State University; increase expertise and confidence across the university. Office of the Registrar
Assign projects and work Align to goals and vet against values and mission. Create a timeline for the projects that supports the student success initiatives that we are being asked to react to. Projects should naturally reduce barriers for students and increase their success. Projects should be internally driven and externally driven. Some the office creates because it knows what must occur and some are performed as a result of the requests external to your office.
Present the plan OSU OtR Roadmap
Office of the Registrar Year Summer Term Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term 2015-2016 Attendance Track INTO OSU Done Course Maps in Planner Templates Advising Student Profile XE April 2017 Assign Planner Templates to New Freshman Canceled MyDegrees Upgrade Early Alert Reporting Name in Use Legislation INTO OSU Pathways in MyDegrees Student Success Collaborative Midterm Grade Collection INTO OSU Online Major Change Build and Implement In Progress Scheduler Online Major Change Analysis 2016-2017 Innovative Course Offerings On Hold Registration Review of Mods Course Planning Software Automated Pre-Req Deletion Not Started MyDegrees Course Forecasting Degree Clearance Improvements Pre-req Checking in MyDegrees Institutional Awarding Mid-Term Grading OSU-wide Student Tracking toward Graduation Automatic Advisor Assignments Expanded Transcript SEP Analysis of Assigned Templates from Spring 2016 Proxy Access for Student Data Portal Upgrade Mobile Delivery of Information to Students MyDegrees Upgrade (CORE Reports) In progress Gender and Sexual Orientation Data Collection Faculty Grading XE Summer 2017 Mass Hold Process 2017-2018 Registration XE Online Catalog Implementation Course Overrides through Self-Service Early Alert Proactive Priority Registration Improvements Banner XE Admin Interface Implementation Cluster of First Year Templates Student Retention and Performance Reporting with CORE 2018-2019 CRM Reverse Transfer PDF Diplomas Office of the Registrar
Present the rationale for the work Student Success Flowchart Getting buy-in from leadership (also, it’s important to ensure that the plan rolls up into the broader plans)
Course Forecasting Flow MyDegrees Major Maps Student Educational Planner College Scheduler Registration Grades Catalog CLSS Real Human Brains Course Forecasting
Communication Presentations Feedback Demonstrate successes Share out regarding failures and lessons learned
Go back to the plan Keep going back to the plan If you lose steam, go back to the plan. Remind people of the plan regularly
Staying power (WORK YOUR PLAN) Stay in front of people. Remind them of the same thing over and over. Keep in mind that you understand the ins-and-outs of your projects and why they are important but others don’t necessarily have the same understanding. People need to learn and relearn why you are doing something in order to fully support it.
Questions? Comments? Ideas? Contact me: Rebecca Mathern University Registrar Oregon State University