Supports Author’s Purpose (the reason the author writes)


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Presentation transcript:

Supports Author’s Purpose (the reason the author writes) Mood and Tone Supports Author’s Purpose (the reason the author writes)

Mood Vs. Tone Watch this video teaching mood and tone: . &index=9 After watching the video write down ALL the notes on the next three slides EXCEPT in green.

Alphabetical list of tone words and their meanings Mood vs. Tone The tone comes from the author. It is the author’s attitude or feelings about the subject. The language and word choices he uses. Tone is INFERRED. You have to use your prior knowledge plus the information the author is giving you to decide what the tone is. TONE = AUTHOR Alphabetical list of tone words and their meanings definitions.pdf

List of Mood words (go to last page of link) Mood Vs. Tone The Mood is the feelings created by the text (book, movie, advertisement etc.) Mood is created BY the text FOR the reader MOOD = READER List of Mood words (go to last page of link) nedited).pdf

Mood Vs. Tone Handouts - Annotate and answer the questions - turn in for a grade! 1st Block ONLY: 04.pdf