NAMIRG Project Kick off meeting 2018 Brussels, 24 January 2018


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Presentation transcript:

NAMIRG Project Kick off meeting 2018 Brussels, 24 January 2018

The NAMIRG Project North Adriatic MIRG (Maritime Incident Response Group) Duration: 24 months Starting date: January 2018 Total Eligible cost: 904.698,91 € EC Contribution: 678.524,18 € Co-financing rate: 75% Coordinator: Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat (InCE), Italy Beneficiaries: MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO (MIN INT) - Italy JAVNI ZAVOD GASILSKA BRIGADA KOPER/ENTE PUBBLICO VIGILI DEL FUOCO, CAPODISTRIA (JZGB- Koper) - Slovenia VATROGASNA ZAJEDNICA ISTARSKE ZUPANIJE (CFD Istria) -Croatia

Main Focus: Ship-fire incidents Area of Activity GRANT AGREEMENT 783149 NAMIRG Project co-financed by European Commission Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Presented under the CALL 2017 UCPM-2017-PP-AG Preparedness project in civil protection and marine pollution Main Focus: Ship-fire incidents

Short Description Background: Incidents on board of ships at sea can have devastating effects for the lives of crew, passengers and for the environment. In particular, this is the case for closed seas like the Northern Adriatic Sea, where the spill over of pollutants and the relative proximity of the shores, in case of ship fires, would provoke serious consequences, not only on the marine environment, but also for the citizens living on the coastal areas. Description: Against this background, MIRGs - Maritime Incident Response Groups–represents an important solution for the Adriatic Sea. Therefore, the NAMIRG project aims at establishing a North Adriatic efficient system of emergency response as to overcome this gap and ensure safety, security and environmental protection in the region.

Deliverables and Deadlines WP 1 State of the Art: analysis of existing human resources and equipment; assessment of the response capacity and efficiency; mapping different areas of possible emergencies; signature of protocols for ensuring prompt and timely response in case of incidents Report on the analysis of existing and missing human and technical resources, June 2018 Transnational operational protocol signed by firefighter departments, with the involvement of relevant subjects (coast guard, helicopter and ship managers), July 2018 WP 2 Study Group and Training Preparation: Identification of the methodologies of intervention in case of emergency and on that basis development of shared operational procedures Personnel Training Manual, September 2018 Handbook on Standard Operating Procedures, December 2018 Guidelines for materials and devices, June 2018

Deliverables and Deadlines WP 3 NAMIRG Establishment: Purchasing needed equipment and staff training NAMIRG equipment purchase, December 2018 Staff Training classes, July 2019 Evaluation report on training results, September 2019 WP 4 Assessment of results and capitalization: The NAMIRG team will carry out exercise at sea, using the equipment that will later on be made available for interventions Joint Exercise report, October 2019 NAMIRG assessment report, December 2019

Exercise at Sea Aim: To activate prompt intervention mechanisms in case of request of rescue from a Distress Vessel Involved subjects: Firefighters (personnel and vessels), Coast Guard (personnel and vessels), Support Vessels, 118 (medical emergency), Helicopter, Anti-pollution systems, Sectoral experts, Distress Vessel (DV), Shipping Company, Maritime Agency Scenario: Fire on a tanker off the Istrian coasts, A number of injured crew members, Oil spillage Fire in the engine room, three injured crew members (one burned, one head-injured, one with lower limb fractures). The DV communicates to the Coast Guard (CG) the emergency on board for fire and injured personnel. The CG activates the emergency response mechanism by implementing agreed operational procedures signed between the various actors involved in operations both on land and at sea. Priority warning to the firefighters, the helicopter and the medical emergency, then the other subjects as established by the procedures. Procedure: The Coast Guard coordinates the operations and, if possible, sends its unit to the DV with the task of OSC (On Scene Coordinator), contacting all the subjects deemed useful to manage the emergency. The MIRG team reaches the helicopter embarkation area and is transported by the same on board of the DV, where it starts collaborating with the crew on board in rescue and firefighting actions. Additional firefighter reinforcement units are sent with the support vessel, anti-pollution units are put on alert and also reaches the DV. The injured members of the crew will be transported to an advanced medical post/ hospital. The ship will be towed/ will navigate to the agreed port, where fire operations will be completed and the ship will be secured.

Tentative Dates and Places of Major events Kick Off meeting, Trieste, last week of January 2018 Exercise at Sea, Istria County, September- beginning of October 2019 Final conference, Trieste, December 2019

Follow Up NAMIRG will provide the basis for the regular interaction and coordination of firefighters commands of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Koper and Istria. These three commands will elaborate common protocols for emergency interventions in case of ships on fire in Northern Adriatic, with potential pollution of the sea. Protocols and emergency plans developed within NAMIRG will continue to be used and updated after the project’s end, leading to the establishment of a permanent cooperation framework in the North Adriatic Sea. Teams trained during the NAMIRG projects (1 team of 8 firefighters each per region) will continue to be trained after the end of the project and the NAMIRG team extended.

Thank you 10