Français 1
1. We have learned about les infinitifs et les pronoms sujets. Now, we will focus on some regular verbs in French. These verbs follow a pattern. Their forms can be predicted. Some verbs that we will learn later are known as irregular verbs. Their forms do not follow a pattern.
2. These verbs are divided into 3 different groups or conjugations based on the infinitive ending of the verb.
3.The 3 regular verb groups in French are: EndingInfinitive ____-er______ danser (to dance) ____-ir______ finir (to finish) ____-re______ vendre (to sell)
4. First, we will work with –er verbs or what is known as the first conjugation. This is the most common infinitive ending. (Remember, an infinitive is the most basic form of a verb!)
5. La formule: This formula will apply to every regular –er verb in French!
Step 1 – Create the stem… Drop the –er from the infinitive…danser Ex. – danser - You are left with the stem… dans-
Step 2 – Create the verb form… ADD the personal endings to the stem to get the verb forms. These endings change to agree with the subject. Verb Form = Stem + -er endings
Par exemple: ending goes here Infinitive danser (to dance) stem
Sample conjugation for a regular –er verb… danser (to dance) danser (to dance) Singulier Pluriel 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Je danse Nous dansons Tu dansesVous dansez Il/Elle/On danse Paul These noun Anne subjects take Le garçon the same form La fille as their pronouns! Ils/Elles dansent Paul et Luc These noun Anne et Lise subjects take Les garçons the same form Les filles as their pronouns!
NOTE: danse, danses, and dansent sound exactly the same!
7. In French, the verb forms change according to the subjects just as they do in English! Ex. – I dance, you dance, but he/she dances.
8. In English,we have several different equivalents for the French. Ex. – Je danse. I dance. I do dance. I am dancing.
Essayez: Use the notes and model above, conjugate the following –er verb! parler (to speak) Singulier Pluriel 1 st 2 nd 3 rd JeNous TuVous Il/Elle/OnIls/Elles
parler (to speak) Singulier Pluriel 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Je parleNous parlons Tu parlesVous parlez Il/Elle/On parleIls/Elles parlent