Town Hall Meeting Warm up: Define Patriot, Loyalist, and Neutralist. Give one convincing argument why a colonist might choose to be a Patriot, Loyalist, or Neutralist. 3. What effect might these factions have on the colonies?
Britain vs. the Colonies *Tensions after the French and Indian War *Policies have been put in place by the British *Rebellion by the Colonists *Lot of Propaganda (Common Sense)
History vs. Classroom Even though the simulation you will be participating in today is ½ loyalist and ½ patriots with a couple of neutralists, this is not accurate to how people felt at this time. In this simulation the people that are going to come together today never met in 1776. These are historical figures of the time that were major roles in deciding to declare independence or not.
1776 Town Meeting Objective You will be playing the role of historical figures to recreate a 1776 town meeting to determine whether the colonies should declare independence from England. You will be randomly assigned a person from that time and you MUST represent the person’s belief about independence during this meeting. You are trying to persuade your classmates who are neutral to support your side.
Steps for Town Meeting Summarize your Historical figure (20 Seconds) -Summarize beliefs and feelings Prepare Name Tags: One sentence quote that represents your view point
Create a Propaganda poster Propaganda Posters: Reflect views about being Independent or staying united A. Front side: graphic/colorful picture and quote B. Back side: 3-5 Key ideas to support your side
Neutral Objectives You must write three to five questions to ask each side. (You will be leading much of the conversation.) Ex. If the colonies declare independence, how might they govern themselves. Ex. Don’t you think that taxation without representation is unfair. Your posters need to be two sides and one side is pro patriots and the other side is pro England.
Strategies I highly suggest strategizing with people before the town meeting so that you can build unity to try an persuade the neutral characters to your side.
Rules for the Town Meeting Sit on your side of the room and line up strongest views to least strongest One person from the loyalists begin and then a patriot can make a rebuttal Neutralists can ask questions, but hold up the sign of the group you agree with There will be lots of energy and excitement during the debate, so try to remain respectful You are graded on Participation
Town Meeting Reflection What was it like to be involved in a town meeting? What feelings did you experience during this town meeting? What were the major points brought up by the loyalists against colonial independence? What were the points brought up by the colonists for independence? Why do you think that so many colonists were neutral or indifferent? What was the most important thing that you learned from this activity?
America’s 1st political Cartoon 1.What do you see in this transparency? 2. What do the parts of the snake represent? 3. What does the artists think will happen if the colonies do not unite? 4. What do you think will “Kill” the colonies in the artist’s view?
What were the strengths of the Americans and British during the War Strong leadership Knew the land Eventually gained support by Spain and France Motivation for Independence Britain Strong Navy Military Experience Better Equipment/ Technology
Create a T-Chart in your notes! For Independence Against Indep