AYUSHMAN BHARAT Operationalizing 225 Health & Wellness Centres To Deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care by 15th of August, 2018 https.youtu.beglZN1ZkOFXo.mp4
CPHC: Policy Articulation Task Force Report on Primary Health Care Rollout, 2015 National Health Policy 2017 Two thirds to be committed to PHC Budget Announcement, 2017: Conversion of 1.5 lakh sub Centres into Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) Financial Commitment, Budget 2018,
Health & Wellness Centers TARGET Operationalizing for 15th Aug, 2018 Aspirations Districts -10 (2 in each) Baran Dholpur Jaisalmer Karauli Sirohi Interventions planned – Sub center-100 Primary Health Center-100 Urban Primary Health Center- 25
Operationalisation of H&WCs from Sub health centre Branding Design / Colour code- With reference to letter CE(M&H)/civil/2018/835 form civil engineer dated 3/7/2018
Operationalisation of H&WCs from Sub health centre Cont… 2.Space : Examination room with adequate privacy and Telehealth Diagnostics and medicine dispensation Wellness room Waiting area IEC Labour room at delivery points 3. Essential Drugs- as per list (as required) 4. Essential Diagnostic- as per EDL 5. Human resource & training- SUB CENTER PHC & UPHC CHO ANM ASHA MO & other staff( as per IPHS Standards)
Operationalisation of H&WCs from Sub health centre Cont… 6. IT System : Tablets will be procured at state level 7.Availability of Equipment/furniture/Accessories (As per concern health facility) BUDGET PROVISIONS 8. Untied Budget: it is increase from INR 20,000 to INR 50,000 for utilization in required & Concerned activities only for Subcentre -H&WCs ( for 629 only) 9. For 490 H&WCs have provision for Procurement for furniture, etc @ Rs 50,000 Reagents @ Rs 8,000
CPHC – Essential package of services Care in Pregnancy and Child-birth. Neonatal and Infant Health Care Services Childhood and Adolescent Health Care Services. Family Planning, Contraceptive Services and other Reproductive Health Care Services Management of Communicable Diseases: National Health Programmes General Out-patient Care for Acute Simple Illnesses and Minor Ailments Screening, Prevention, Control and Mgmt. of Non-communicable Diseases Care for Common Ophthalmic and ENT Problems Basic Oral Health Care Elderly and Palliative Health Care Services Emergency Medical Services including Burns and Trauma Screening and Basic Management of Mental Health Ailments
Community – Facility: Maintaining Continuum of Care ASHA MLHP/CHO Village/Urban Ward Population Enumeration Outreach Services Community Based Screening Risk Assessment Awareness Generation Follow up of confirmed cases Counselling: Lifestyle changes; treatment compliance First Level Care Screening Use of Diagnostics Drug Dispensation Record keeping Tele health Referral to MO at PHC for confirmation/complications SHC CHC/SDH/DH PHC/UPHC Advanced diagnostics Complication assessment Tele health Tertiary linkage/PMRSSM Diagnosis / Prescription and Treatment Plan Referral of complicated cases Tele health Real time monitoring
Dress code for CHO OPD and community visit timings on H&WCs In summers: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM: pre scheduled community and outreach services 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Service delivery at the wellness centers In winters: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: pre scheduled community and outreach services 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Service delivery at the wellness centers The following logo embossed /embroidered on the front pocket of their white apron.
IEC Content for H&WCs
Record maintenance at HWCs OPD Register Community awareness & sensitization register Referral record Individual and family health records Stock registers Record for lab services Financial management register
Operationalisation of PHC & UPHC as Wellness Centre Required infrastructure as per norm . Branding, Design & Color code (will be done on the front wall of HWCs with all 6 design), Budget may utilized from Untied grant of PHC & UPHC IEC/Banner/Citizen Charter etc - Budget may utilized from Untied grant of PHC & UPHC HR: Medical Officer and other staff Frontline workers- 4-5 ASHAs and 1 ANM for 10,000 population - trained to deliver preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative & palliative services through outreach, including monitoring drug compliance for chronic diseases.
Operationalisation of PHC & UPHC as Wellness Centre Drugs: Essential Drugs as per State EDL Diagnostic : Essential Diagnostic as per State EDL Availability of equipment/ Furniture/ Accessories as per concerned Health facility IT System: Computer & internet connection should be Functional Services: All services for which facilities is designated along with Additional service like outreach camps, Yoga sessions , NCD screening & treatment, RNTCP services, with palliative care will be added to convert in PHC&UPHC HWC’s.
Monitoring Parameters / format The progress report in below format must be sent on every Tuesday before 11 AM on email- uhcrajasthan@gmail.com Format of 225 HWCs Monitoring & evaluation S.N. Name of District Type of Health facility Total No. of health facility Avaiblity of HR ( No. of facility) at SC -CHO; PHC- Medical Officers Avilablkity of HR ( No. of facility) SCs- ANM PHC/UPHC- LT/Nurse No. of health facilities have essential drugs: (PHC-acc .to EDL SCs- given drug list ) No. of health facilities have essential diagnostic kit/ reagents: (PHC-acc .to EDL SC- given list ) No. of health facilities Facade Branding/color coding completed out of total Availability of IEC material (No. of facilities are supplied) No. of facilitis have Availability of essential equipments, furniture & accessories No. of facilities have Availability of IT software & training Availability of basic facilities like toilet,water,electricity Availability of referral mechanisim 1 Ajmer PHC 4 UPHC 2 SC(HWC) Total 7
Operationalized H&WCs by 15th aug 2018 (District wise numbers) S. No. District PHC SHC UPHC Grand Total 1 Ajmer 4 2 7 Alwar 8 3 Banswara 6 Baran 10 5 Barmer Bharatpur Bhilwara Bikaner 13 9 Bundi Chittorgarh 11 Churu 16 12 Dausa Dholpur 14 Dungarpur 15 Ganganagar Hanumangarh
Operationalized H&WCs by 15th aug 2018 (District wise numbers) S. No. District PHC SHC UPHC Grand Total 17 Jaipur1 4 8 3 15 18 Jaipur2 7 19 Jaisalmer 2 5 20 Jalore 6 21 Jhalawar 10 22 Jhunjhunu 9 23 Jodhpur 11 24 Karauli 1 25 Kota 26 Nagaur 27 Pali 28 Pratapgarh 29 Rajsamand 30 Sawai Madhopur 31 Sikar 32 Sirohi 33 Tonk 34 Udaipur
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Thank You For further details contact Dr Prem Singh, SNO 9460060445