Chapter 9-Winning the Revolution Visual Vocabulary Grade 5 PHS
Second Continental Congress Congress of American leaders that first met in 1775, declared independence in 1776, and helped lead the U.S. during the Revolution.
Continental Army Army formed in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress and led by General George Washington.
Olive Branch Petition Letter sent by the Second Continental Congress to King George III in 1775 in an attempt to avoid war.
Declaration of Independence Document declaring the 13 American colonies independent of Great Britain, written mainly by Thomas Jefferson and adopted on July 4, 1776, by the Second Continental Congress.
traitor Person who works against his or her country.
Green Mountain Boys Group of Vermont soldiers who captured Fort Ticonderoga.
mercenary Soldiers from one country who are paid to fight for another country.
Battle of Saratoga American victory over British troops in 1777 that was a turning point in the American Revolution.
Treaty of Paris Treaty signed in 1783 that officially ended the American Revolution. Great Britain recognized the United States as an independent country.