Learning Map for Year 4 : Autumn 2015 Theme: Great Expectations Please encourage your child to read each day Transportation Dance - Movement of machines - Choreographing routines. Recounts Understanding features of a recount Planning a recount of a trip to the Synagogue Writing our own recount based on our trip. Hockey skills Homework: English/ Maths Free Choice - Set on a Tuesday and handed in the following Monday - Digital Literacy and ICT Select, use and combine a variety of software to accomplish given goals. Analyse, collect and present information Poetry Exploring alliteration, similes, metaphors and personification Looking at a range of poetry by different poets PE English ICT Electricity Understanding what makes a circuit Finding out what is missing and fixing circuits Identify common insulators Identify appliances that run on electricity Class 4 Great Expectations DT Taught in Spring Barnado’s Boys -Exploring the work of Thomas Barnado -Learning to accept difference Recorders Geography Science Music The Victorian British Empire. -”The sun never sets on the British empire” -Where in the world? Data handling - Interpreting and drawing line graphs and bar charts Maths PSHCE Art Multiplication and division -Understanding formal written methods Solving word problems Victorian images based on Klimt Perimeter and area Understanding the difference Calculating both Solving problems involving both RE Shape Identifying and describing shapes Understanding terminology Jesus’ Parables -Exploring the teachings of Jesus -Learning from his stories in our own lives History People that made history – Florence Nightingale Investigating how transport changed Christmas Journeys -Exploring the journeys of Biblical characters at Christmas -Linking to important journeys in our own lives Trip to Kingston Synagogue Industrial Revolution -Exploring society’s changes -Learning about scientific and technological developments