• Celebrated the individual How did classical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans foster humanism in the Italian Renaissance? Humanism • Celebrated the individual • Stimulated the study of Greek and Roman literature and culture • Was supported by wealthy patrons
Humanism Movement away from life centered on the Catholic church and religion Focuses more on material objects, enjoying life, and other worldly subjects
Erasmus Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus Pushed for a Vernacular form of the Bible “I disagree very much with those who are unwilling that Holy Scripture, translated into the vernacular, be read by the uneducated . . . As if the strength of the Christian religion consisted in the ignorance of it” The Praise of Folly Used humor to show the immoral and ignorant behavior of people, including the clergy. He felt people would be open minded and be kind to others.
Erasmus Spoke out against corruption of Catholic Church during the Renaissance Worked to spread the use of common languages in religious and scholarly works.
Petrarch Sonnets, humanist scholarship Francesco Petrarch 1304-1374 Assembled Greek and Roman writings. Wrote Sonnets to Laura, love poems in the Vernacular
Petrarch Francesco Petrarch 1304-1374 Considered “Father of Humanism” His research on Greek and Roman books inspired others to read these books
The Renaissance was a time of renewal Renaissance means rebirth and Europe was recovering from the Dark ages ideas from Greece and Rome. People had lost their faith in the church because of the tragedy of the Black Plague and began to put more focus on human beings.
One cause of the Renaissance Black Plague The tragedy of the Black Plague convinced people of the need to focus on worldly pursuits rather than religious ideas
Another Cause of the Renaissance Invention of the Printing press spreading ideas from Greek and Roman books
Printing Press Invented by Jahann Gutenberg
Printing Press First book ever created by printing press - Bible
Printing Press Invented in 1452 500th Anniversary 1952
Helped to quickly spread ideas of the Renaissance and Printing Press Helped to quickly spread ideas of the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation