Total Weight loss transformation 60 days to a healthier, smaller you sensible weight loss establishing healthy eating habits adopting active lifestyle - stress management – reducing unhealthy habits
60-day Transformation program Here’s what you’ll discover: Uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from losing weight Develop a powerful vision for what successful weight loss looks like for you and your life Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are keeping weight on…and what to do about it Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to successfully lose weight in a 60-day jumpstart program It takes 66 days on average to build a new habit Believe in yourself! No diets, no pills, no miracles, just you making small, minor adjustments in habits that will lead to big results in the end ***Big secret: I was once obese! It can be overcome for good! Call 281-8262 to set up your 30-minute Discover Session today to get you on your way to improving your life and feeling better about yourself! Just $20 for this first step! Limited Time Offer: Sign up by April 30, 2018 for this special nearly 50% off discount rate of $300 for 60 days for 9 sessions (limited to first 25 clients to sign up) Normal rate is $60 per session