Designsafe studies in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering By Sebastien A. Daleyden Vincent M. Goussen Advisors: Dr Paul King & Bruce Main
Designsafe studies in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Project proposal About safety Completed work Current work Next steps
Safety through design, with the use of Designsafe Project proposal Safety through design, with the use of Designsafe Objective 1: 1. Benchmarking study comparing Europe and the US in safety 2. Evaluating designsafe for its suitability to the European market, 3. Translation of designsafe to European language(s) Objective 2: Helping students of BME 273 and ME 243 on safety issues
Importance of safety in design Unintentional injuries Cost of $399 billion a year only in the USA; Fifth leading cause of death; Due to interaction between machines and their environment and the way people live and work Engineers should more think about the safety of the users...
Importance of safety in design The main reasons why we should more care about safety are: Time Costs Competition International Influences Capturing knowledge Product liability
Hazard analysis: What is it? Objectives: Tool for engineers and safety practitioners to identify possible hazards, provide an evaluation of the risks, prompt alternative design solutions to mitigate or control the risks to an acceptable level.
Hazard analysis: What is it? Hazard: Potentially dangerous condition, which is triggered by an event, called the cause of the hazard. Risk: hazard that is associated with a severity and a probability of occurrence.
Hazard analysis: What is it? Hazard analysis: Identify all possible hazards potentially created by a product, process or application. Risk assessment: It is the next step after the collection of potential hazards. Risk in this context is the probability and severity of the hazard becoming reality.
An useful engineers’ tool: Designsafe dse has developed a fast, easy-to-use tool for engineers and safety professionals to incorporate safety through design by: identifying hazards prompting engineers to think about hazards which they otherwise might overlook conducting a risk assessment for identified hazards reducing risks in a structured method preventing accidents and reducing liability
Work completed Built a background on safety (hazard analysis & risk assessment, CE norms…) Learnt the use of Designsafe Prepared a course on hazard analysis and on Designsafe for the ME 243 Assisted to all the first oral presentations of BME 273 class
Benchmarking : Current work researches on the internet : competitors, safety organizations studying the most interesting sites downloading and trying demos of competitors
Future work Keep on the benchmarking Meeting with Bruce Main Involving in students’ projects
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