Eating Disorders Chapter 12
Eating Disorder – a condition marked by extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors related to food, eating, and weight. Damage health Threaten life Occur most often among teens and young adults Work hard to hide them from others
Anorexia Nervosa An intense fear of gaining weight that leads to unhealthy eating and dangerous weight loss. Become extremely underweight, but see themselves as fat Unusual, and often very rigid, eating habits and rituals Eat only a few certain foods Eat only at certain times May precisely measure and arrange their food
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa Preoccupation with food, weight, and body Deliberate self-starvation Unrelenting fear of gaining weight Refusal to eat except for tiny portions Dehydration Denial of hunger Compulsive exercise Excessive fine hair on face and body Distorted body image Abnormal weight loss Sensitivity to cold Hair loss Constipation
Anorexia Nervosa Damages to the body Lowering the heart and breathing rate Lowers blood pressure and body temperature Stunt growth in teens Kills about 5% affected heart attack electrolyte imbalance suicide
Binge Eating Disorder An eating disorder that causes people to binge, or eat enormous amounts of food in a short time. Most common Cannot control what or how much they eat May consume up to 5,000 calories in one sitting After – guilty, disgusted or depressed Lead to excessive weight gain with related problems
Symptoms of Binge Eating Preoccupation with food, weight, and body Rapid consumption of a large amount of food Consumes large amounts of food in secret Consumes food when not hungry Consumes large amounts of food until very uncomfortable Loss of control over eating Constipation Only 50% may be overweight
Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder that combines bingeing with purging, or ridding the body of the food to prevent weight gain. Preoccupation with food, weight, and body Binge eating (consuming more than a normal person would during the same period of time), usually in secret Vomiting after bingeing Abuse of laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, or emetics Compulsive exercising Swollen glands Broken blood vessels in eyes Dehydration Constipation
Bulimia Nervosa Fear getting fat but stay within 10-15 pounds of healthy weight Signs – missing food, empty food containers, long periods of time in bathroom Health problems Damage to teeth, gums and stomach Ruptured esophagus Electrolyte imbalance which can lead to irregular heartbeat/heart failure
Causes of Eating Disorders Emotional problems Genetics and chemical imbalances in the brain Use food to cope with Stress low self-esteem fears about the future
Adding to the problem are Family troubles Loneliness Anger Depression Being teased about their weight Unrealistic ideas about body shape and weight
Psychological Repercussions from Eating Disorders Depression Shame and guilt Mood swings Low self-esteem Withdrawal Impaired family and social relationships Negative thought patterns (“all or nothing”) Perfectionism
Stopping the Cycle Professional help Family and friends can reach out to affected person May not recognize or be able to admit the problem Trusted adult can aid in getting professional help Physical and Emotional treatment Recovery can be a long process EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified)– an eating disorder that does not meet the criteria for anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. (malnourished brain)
Worried about a friend? Don’t be afraid to help! Does he/she: Obsess about dieting? Talk about calories, fat and carbs constantly? Get anxious around food? Panic if unable to work out? Skip meals regularly? Don’t be afraid to help!
Preventing Eating Disorders Positive ways to cope with life’s challenges Speak up early-don’t wait until the problem grows
Quiz – Please use your own paper to answer the following questions. Name 3 symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa Name 3 symptoms of Binge Eating Name 3 symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa In the movie “Starving in Suburbia” what does the Thinspiration website offer its members? Who is Ana on the website? Originally, how much weight did Hannah want to lose? What does Hannah’s mom find in her closet? Who is HipHopK? What was Hannah diagnosed with when her parents took her for professional help?