Family Life Education RELATIONSHIPS (Day 7)
Bell Ringer #7- “I don’t Want to have sex with you” Write a story using a minimum of 8 sentences using the words in the tic- tac-toe Save all bell ringers to be turned in with your test. Age STD Consequences Pregnant Afraid Penis Vagina Sex Marriage
Infancy Newborn to about 2 years of age. Coordination develops Start to develop teeth Try to walk and talk Baby is totally dependent on adults until walking and talking.
Childhood 2 years to Adolescence (puberty) Bones solidly develop Permanent teeth take the place of “baby teeth” Development of intellectual skills
Adolescence The “teenage years” The body becomes sexually mature Continual growth of the body and intellect
Adulthood Body begins to slow down and stop growing physically. Hair loss may occur and physical activity decreases. Lifestyle habits have been formed (jobs, marriage, children, etc.) Over 40 – Older adulthood. Begin to prepare for the elderly stage of life.
Elderly (Old Age) Usually over the age of 40, but most often one is considered “old” when they reach their mid-sixties. One will start to have a lot of lifestyle changes. Retirement, grandchildren and loss of family members or partners are issues facing someone in this stage.
Harrisonburg Pregnancy Center Using your resources:
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy There are several classic clues to determine whether or not you could be pregnant. You may be pregnant before your first missed period. The best way to find out is to be checked by a physician.
Early Signs/Symptoms Tender, swollen breasts Fatigue Slight bleeding or cramping Nausea with or without vomiting Food aversions or cravings Headaches Constipation Mood swings Faintness and dizziness Raised basal body temperature (oral temp)
What if… If you become pregnant, you will need to make sure that you stay healthy. There are several factors associated with a healthy pregnancy.
Factors that encourage healthy pregnancies Prenatal Care – for the mother-to-be and baby before birth (first exam should be within the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy) Diet – helps with birth weight, weight gained determined by weight before pregnancy (avg. 25-35 pounds) Nutrition and Supplements – You need about 300 extra calories a day. Healthy eating is extremely important. Eat lean meats, fruits, veggies, whole-grain breads, and low-fat dairy products. Calcium – Increase calcium consumption so you don’t lose calcium from your bones, since your baby requires a lot of calcium.
Factors cont. Get plenty of iron, folic acid, and drink plenty of fluids Exercise – regular exercise can help Sleep
Things to Avoid During Pregnancy Alcohol – no safe amount has ever been determined Recreational Drugs Nicotine – carbon monoxide takes the place of oxygen going to fetus Caffeine – linked to miscarriages Certain foods – some foods you need to stay away from so you won’t acquire a food-borne illness (raw meats, unpasteurized foods, processed meat, etc.) Over the counter and prescription meds – see physician before continuing or starting any meds.
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