Is it possible for plants to move? Explain your ideas. Walk-In Take out pencil box, folder, notebook. Write the question at the back and answer in sentences: Is it possible for plants to move? Explain your ideas.
Answer Plants can be moved BY something, like the wind blowing on them, or someone or something moving them. But can plants move all on their own?!??!?
Today’s Learning Target: Understand how plants can move in response to a stimulus.
Response to a Stimulus A STIMULUS is an action done to something, and it can cause a reaction. Example: What response would you have to the stimulus of someone bringing a pencil close to your eye? Try this reaction time game: Put your hands on top of a partner’s hands. The partner below should try to quickly tap the hand on top. If you tap the hand, you score a point. If the person on top moves their hand away, they score a point. Try it! Switch when you are told to!
Example A gardener adds fertilizer pellets to plants growing in pots. They grow taller twice as fast! What was the STIMULUS? What was the RESPONSE?
Plants on the move! Watch this clip about how plants move in response to how much light, how much soil, etc. they get!
TROPISM refers to plant growth in response to a STIMULUS (something in its surroundings). . There are three main types of tropisms : Phototropism Geotropism Hydrotropism NEXT
Plant grows down with gravity. GEOTROPISM * Geo means earth. Geotropism is the growth of a plant in response to gravity. Negative Geotropism Positive Geotropism Plant grows down with gravity. Ex. roots growing down Negative Geotropism is the growth of a plant opposite to the pull of gravity Ex. stems grow up Positive Geotropism NEXT
IMPORTANCE OF GEOTROPISM Pulls roots down to anchor a plant Roots can get needed water and minerals if they stay in the soil NEXT
Ex. Stems growing toward the window to get to the light PHOTOTROPISM “Photo” means light. Plant growth toward a source of light is PHOTOTROPISM. Ex. Stems growing toward the window to get to the light NEXT
IMPORTANCE OF PHOTOTROPISM Lets leaves be in the best position possible to receive enough light for photosynthesis NEXT
Hydrotropism Hydro means water. Hydrotropism refers to a plant growing toward a source of water. This allows the plant to stay alive and to do photosynthesis.
Tropism Movie Watch this short movie about tropism and the amazing abilities of plants to “move”!
Tropism Drawing (4 boxes) Box 1 - Write the definition of tropism (look back in your notes!). Write the definition of and do a picture to illustrate for: Box 2 – Geotropism Box 3 – Phototropism Box 4 - Hydrotropism
Tropism Song Watch this song and read along with the lyrics that tell about tropism!