Action spectrum of photosynthesis Fig 10.9
Phototropism responds to blue light Fig 39.16
Seedling germination may depend on light Fig 39.17 Seedling germination may depend on light
Phytochrome: a reversible receptor Fig 39.19 Phytochrome: a reversible receptor
Hey, want to swap some pollen?
I don’t have any flowers.
I guess I will have to find another plant.
I hate when that happens. You give really good pollen.
Plants use day length to synchronize flowering Fig 39.21
The critical period is actually night length Fig 39.21
Phytochrome regulates flowering time Fig 39.22
Plants use night length to determine the season.
Time for a Plant-themed Scavenger Hunt... Return scavenger hunt forms to BIO 6 by noon.