1600- 1900: The Laissez – Faire Era The gov’t assumes no role in helping the poor Late 1800’s – Social Darwinism “blames the victim” for poverty, exalts the wealthy Also see the consolidation of wealth / the “problem” of Capitalism
1870 – 1930: Fighting the Consolidation of Wealth - European approaches: communism, socialism - US approach: incomes taxes + business regulation The Progressive Era
1930- 1945: Further Crisis in the Great Depression - The birth of the “welfare state” - government takes direct action to help the poor Ex: work relief, cash assistance, farm supports, social security for elderly and handicapped Temporary fixes – only social security was a permanent social welfare program.
1965- 1995: “The Great Society Programs” - a vision and a reality LBJ’s Great Society Programs established: food stamps public housing welfare (cash assistance) Medicaid Who gets it? Based on poverty thresholds
Early 1990’s: A Middle Class Backlash Republicans won control of the House of Representatives with welfare reform at the forefront of their agenda. Speaker of the House New Gingrich Fueled by perceptions that most welfare recipients were “welfare queens” living off the government (too lazy to work) and payments for their illegitimate children
What do you mean by “Welfare”? Food stamps? 7% (2010) of Americans receive benefits Medicaid? Health care for low income persons 15.9% (2010) Medicare ? Health care for elderly persons 23% (2010) TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Cash payments for people under the poverty thresholds 1.23 % (2011) Social Security – for elderly 25% Disabled – for disabled adults and children 4.8 % Unemployment Insurance? 5% (2011) Veterans – tuition benefits / health / retirement Public Housing?
Statistics on Welfare (TANF) Recipients 2000 Census Gender? 90% women Marital status? 12% married Non-citizens? 8% High school graduates? 50% Avg. payment for one child? $285
% receive child support? Average size family? Avg. age recipient? 10% Average size family? 2.6 pple. Avg. age recipient? 31.3 Black? 33 % (2009) white, non-Hispanic? 31% (2009) Hispanic? 29% (2009) % of US population on assistance: 2.5% (1993-4 highest: 5.5%)
Real Reform: the 1995 Welfare Reform Act Passed by a Republican Congress and President Clinton Called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - TANF 30 hours work required 2 years max. benefits if unemployed 5 years max. with work Minors must live with parents & go to school to get benefits No work required IF: child under 1 year old, or child under 6 w/o daycare Effect: welfare rolls fell by 50%
“Deadbeat Dads” crack down Mainly state laws: Garnishing wages Bank account drafting Public humiliation
Effect of Welfare Reform Long-term? What would success look like? Fewer people on “welfare” ? Achieved, sort of (see disability numbers) Conquer poverty? no
The “New” Welfare Disability – Episode 446 Episode 490