“Where I’m From” George Ella Lyon
Snapshots that show “where I’m from” mostaccioli pasta fižole ćevape “mange” (eat) folk dancing…full skirted, flower-embroidered costumes tamburica music Friday night Croatian night school Our Father and Hail Mary Sunday masses…wooden pews sour lemons dipped in sugar granules Amelia Bedelia superstitions and coffee grind readers “Dry your hair” and “put your shoes on”
Where are you from? Consider “snapshots” from your life: objects images tastes sounds feelings tactile emotional family sayings traditions tragedies
“Where I’m From” What shaped her? What do these things tell us about her?
“Where I’m From” Format/style of poem? catalogue or list poem alliteration simile metaphor imagery: 5 senses (auditory, visual, tactile, gustatory, olfactory) Some listed items are elaborated with imagery Repetition “I am from…”
“Where I’m From” What types of things does she list? objects odors tastes what she saw with her eyes interactions with other people & their personalities religious memories relatives memorabilia & mementos
“Where I’m From” How does she end poem? (what literary technique?) metaphor “I am from those moments--/snapped before I budded--/leaf-fall from the family tree” “snapped” – image of brokenness “before I budded” – too early “Leaf-fall” – insignificant, like a fallen leaf images of disconnectedness from family yet showing how all items listed in poem make her part of whole
“My Name” & “Where I’m From” Imitate style and create your own vignette or poem about name things that shaped you Due Wed., 9/9 typed single space okay; plain font, size 12 optional: illustrate / decorate