Homework Weekly Objectives Spelling Words Week of Dec. 5, 2016 Issue # 7 2nd 9 Weeks Mrs. Castellano's Class Homework Weekly Objectives Read library book everyday. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math- Fractions. Science – Weather Safety. Social Studies – Continents and cultural celebrations. Monday–Read your fluency fold.-Wood Mice and answer the questions on the back. Underline and circle important information. Read it carefully, Read Lib. book. Write spelling words 3 times each. Write sentences for all the vocabulary words. Write what the words means. Tuesday–1) Put the spelling words in alphabetical order (ABC).2) Write a sentence for spelling words 1 to 10. 3) Math sheet..4) Fluency folder.5) Library book and sign folder. Wednesday–1) Write a sentence for spelling words 10-20. 2) Math sheet.3)Fluency folder. 4) Read Library Book and sign folder. Thursday–1. Have your parents give you a practice spelling test. Practice vocabulary words with your family members.2. Math sheet.3. Fluency folder. Read Library book. Friday- 15-20 Minutes of Lexia time on Sat and Sun or online reading stories. Spelling Words Pattern: R-controlled ea, ee Clean, mean, bean, teen, been, lean, seen, team, beam, meat, sheet, cheat, feel, meal, beat, defeat, heel, seal, teal, please, pleased Vocabulary Words Important Dates: Continue coming to istation at 7am to 7:25am on Tues, thru Friday. Please be on time. Time is very limited. Gracias por ayudarnos a revisar las tareas diarias. Gracias por apoyarnos y traer a los niños todos los días a la escuela! Los estudios indican que cuando los niños faltan 2 veces al mes, las posibilidades de terminar la preparatoria, se disminuida mucho. Distant: Far away. Familiar: To know or remember something or someone. Bonus: Extra points or money. Furniture: tables, beds, sofas, desks, chairs. Fragile: Something can break very easy like an egg or glass. Discard: To throw away. Tremble: to shake. Achieve: Accomplish. To do a great job. Terrible: awful, bad. Home Project #2 Paper Mache Continents Globe Family Project: A letter with instructions was sent home in your child’s agenda on November 9, 2016. This project is due no later than Dec 9, 2016. The project will take 3-4 days to make. You will truly enjoy it! Have students practice knowing their continents. They will get tested. Students will present their projects for a grade. We will grade based on quality work and knowledge. December Christmas Concert: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 6:40pm. My students will report to my classroom at 6:25pm. Please pick your children up in my classroom immediately after their performance. Online Reading Stories Read during your break. Storyline online: No password needed Starfall.com: No password needed Tumblebooks: UN: LCHAVEZ :PW: books Bkflix.Grolier.com: UN: jdrugan; PW: bookflix Lexia.com