HOCO Football Kids Camp Hosted by: Houston County High Football Ages 6-12 Dates: June 6,7,8 Time: 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. Fee: $60 per child ($70 after May 24) Location: HCHS (drop off behind gym) What to bring: tennis shoes, cleats, athletic clothes, sunscreen, $ for concession and bear wagon items Skills development taught by coaches and players: passing, receiving, tackling (form, not live), punting and kicking For more information call or email: Ryan Crawford Ryan.crawford@hcbe.net work # 478-988-6340 Name: ____________________________ Emergency Phone: __________________ Age: ____ Grade Next year:___________ T-Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL Insurance Carrier: ___________________ Policy Number: _____________________ Make checks payable to HOCO FOOTBALL BOOSTER CLUB Mail form to : Houston County High C/O Coach Crawford 920 Hwy 96 Warner Robins, GA 31088 Player Release Form: I do hearby waive, release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify HOCO Football team, coaches and respective staff employees, successors, and assigns of and from any and alll rights and claims for damages including attorney fees resulting from injury to my person or property which may be sustained or suffered by me in connection with my association or participation in or arising our of my traveling to or from the camp or practice fields. We the parents or guardian agree to the above waiver and release and we join therein. We approve of our child’s attendance and certify that he is in good health and able to participate in camp activities. In case of accident or illness, I give permission to the camp staff to acquire medical treatment. Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ______________________________________