The Current State of General Education Assessment Faculty Professional Development Day Workshop How to Successfully Modify and Use All General Education Scoring / Assessment Rubrics in eLearn. The Current State of General Education Assessment Michelle Abreu (Respiratory Care) & Cari Gigliotti (Chemistry) Please don’t leave… this won’t be as painful as you might think
Course Outline Discuss the 6 General Education Outcomes and where the outcomes are currently assessed at Sinclair Show instructors how to locate and download the General Education Assessment/Scoring Rubrics in eLearn. Discuss the formatting of the rubrics and the types of modifications can be made Review two examples of how CHE and RET assess and use a General Education Rubric within their programs.
Written Communication Computer Literacy Upon completion of an associate degree at Sinclair, the student will be able to demonstrate the following six general education outcomes: Oral Communication Written Communication Computer Literacy Cultural Diversity and Global Citizenship Information Literacy Critical Thinking
2. Written Communication 3. Computer Literacy Oral Communication assessed in COM2206 – Interpersonal Communication assessed in COM2211 – Effective Public Speaking 2. Written Communication assessed in ENG1101 – English Composition I 3. Computer Literacy assessed in BIS1120 – Introduction to Software Applications assessed in MET1131 – Personal Computer Applications for Engineering Technology assessed in AUT1102 – Introduction to Automotive Service assessed in ALH1101 – Introduction to Healthcare Delivery 4. Cultural Diversity and Global Citizenship assessed in SOC1101 – Introduction to Sociology assessed in PSY1100 – General Psychology assessed in HUM1125 – Introduction to the Humanities 5. Information Literacy must be assessed within individual programs 6. Critical Thinking* (*modifications will be made to the Critical Thinking rubric currently found in the Repository!)
Finding the Gen Ed Assessment/Scoring Rubrics The rubrics reside within eLearn in the General Education Rubric Repository. Every faculty member has access to the Repository and the rubrics. The rubrics can be easily uploaded directly into your eLearn course shells.
Locating and downloading the General Education Assessment/Scoring Rubrics in eLearn…
Criteria can NOT be altered in any way Be sure to address why this MUST be done in eLearn The justifications for the assessment categories can be altered to suit the assignment.
Example from CHE2151: Organic Chemistry I lab – Information Literacy Assessment The Assessment Method: The final formal scientific lab report of the semester was used for assessment of the Information Literacy General Education outcome. The students write a report on their experimental results of a Friedel-Crafts Acylation reaction: adding a branch onto an aromatic molecule. The Modified Assessment/Scoring Rubric: No modifications were made to the rubric found within the General Education Rubric Repository. Criterion 1: Pose valid research or discovery questions based on need and formulate thesis idea and purpose connected to research. -The “purpose” section of the formal lab report was assessed. Criterion 2: Organize and integrate information and use information ethically. -The “background information” and “experimentally-derived data results” sections of the formal lab report were assessed. Criterion 3: Select sources that are appropriate, credible and relevant to the idea being supported. -The selection of sources and the use of proper citations within the body of text in the “background information” section and in the “works cited” sections were assessed.
Example from RET2201: Critical Care II – Information Literacy Assessment The Assessment Method: RET 2201 Critical Care II: Final Case Study Assessment. Students create detailed case studies via the development of a collaborative wiki page utilizing current knowledge and research. Students will then reflect on case studies as a preparation method for the NBRC board exam. The Modified Assessment/Scoring Rubric: Scoring rubric modified into a weighted rubric with 6 Criterion for RET 2201: Critical Care II. Pull up and review rubric to show sections required 1-3 and then 4-6 add-ons for grading. Criterion 1: Pose valid research or discovery questions based on need and formulate thesis idea and purpose connected to research. Criterion 2: Organize and integrate information and use information ethically. Criterion 3: Select sources that are appropriate, credible and relevant to the idea being supported.