Duty 4 - Systems NOCTI
The role of government in business The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government agencies have been created with the responsibility for overseeing businesses and preventing unfair practices.
The role of government in business Monopoly A monopoly is when only one company provides a product or service without competition from other companies. One company may be granted a monopoly by the government to build the infrastructure and provide a needed service. This would be water, electricity and natural gas. The service and prices are closely monitored and regulated by the government. Microsoft?
Common positions within company structures Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Certified Public Accountant (CPA)