Cheetahs By: Chloe
Habitat Found in East Africa and Nabila They do not make their home Lives in open grassland (Savanna)
Appearance Yellowish with black spots A black streak down it’s face Slender with single spots Length is about 6 feet including the tail About 81 centimeters tall 110-140 pounds
Eating Habits Carnivore Prefers to hunt in open grasslands Most common food choice is the Gazelle Also eats meat like Impala, Spring brook and others Knocks down their prey and then bites it until it can’t breath
Interesting Facts Runs up 71 mph Fastest land animal Sounds like a bird Emperor Arkbar owned 1,000 tamed Cheetahs Can’t roar Unlike other cats hunts mainly during the day Hunting Gazelle with trained Cheetahs was a favorite of an Indian princess Spots cover almost the whole body Super flexible backbone
Behavior Lives in small groups Migrates Have a gentle dispossession Uses tail to balance Live up to 12-14 years Up to five babies per litter
Bibliography African Wildlife Gallery: Cheetah cheetah.htm Science and Nature: Cheetah Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia 09-12-2005: Cheetah World Book Encyclopedia Volume 4: Cheetah Kids Planet:Cheetah
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