SATISFY MY SOUL PSALM 19 The heavens declare Your greatness By the wonders of Your hands How they magnify Your glory Shedding light upon the lands
Every night they preach Your goodness And every day reveals Your might The heavens declare Your greatness Through letters made of light
The golden sun awakes in beauty As he rises from his place Like a bridegroom from his chamber Like a strong man runs a race
So the sun will not be silent But he rises every day To proclaim Your matchless glory Through every glowing ray
O shine upon the darkness O Word of Truth, shine bright Abide with me forever Your law is my delight
More than silver or precious pure gold Your law is sweet and it satisfies my soul It revives me and satisfies me Your law is sweet; O You satisfy my soul
May my every meditation Be pleasing in Your sight As the stars shine in the heavens So Your law is my delight
For it preaches of Your goodness And it tells me what is right And it brings me through the darkness By the radiance of Your light
O shine upon the darkness O Word of Truth, shine bright Abide with me forever Your law is my delight
More than silver or precious pure gold Your law is sweet and it satisfies my soul It revives me and satisfies me Your law is sweet; O You satisfy my soul (repeat)
Your law is sweet; O You satisfy my soul