Transforming Change Conversations Through Co-Planning Monica Wightman, Education Consultant - Project AWARE, DPI
What is Person-Centered Planning? A life planning model to enable individuals with mental health challenges to increase their personal self-determination and improve their own independence.
The What & Why of Co-Planning with Students Common response Co-planning response Adult led problem solving Student shares their view of what the problem is. Disciplinary action Consequences are driven by a better understanding of the issue. Follow up includes a student interview. Teaching skills that may or may not fit with student’s view of the issue Empathy and support are central with active goal setting and strategizing with the student. Adults talk - students listen. Students are seen as central and their motivation is enhanced. Students desire to feel known and understood is diminished. Students feel supported and understoo. Examples that are working: Special ed students progress toward IEP goals, student led conferences, ACP
What Do Kids Say They Want From Us? Hear Me Understand Me Believe in Me
The What & Why of Co-Planning with Parents Common Response Co-Planning Response Educator shares the school’s perspective of the problem with lots of descriptors. Brief explanation of the event with inquiry about the parent’s perspective Educator may ask for parent’s support with few specifics of a common goal and next steps. Parents are invited to develop a shared goal and strategy that could be used at home and at school. Parent participation is mostly passive. Empathy and support are central with active goal setting and strategizing with the parent. Educators talk-parents listen. Parents are seen as central and their motivation is enhanced. Parents desire to feel known and understood is diminished. Parents are engaged and know the school cares about their child. Examples that are working: Special ed students progress toward IEP goals, student led conferences, ACP
If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together. -African Proverb
Ross Greene:
So now that we understand each other… Are you ready for some practical ideas?
Positive Student Profile: Unique and Personal
The Goal: To personalize the school environment with youth/family input and share efficiently.
What is Care Mapping? Categories: School Home Medical Therapy Insurance Recreation
Co-Planning with Students and Families
The Emotional Regulation Plan A tool for kids to tell us what they need during difficult moments Families are included for greater impact
Emotional Regulation Plans K-5
Emotional Regulation Plans 6-12
Partner Activity Think of a student you know in middle or high school Read the instructions together that guide the Emotional Regulation Plan Discuss each section of the plan Share your thoughts and questions
Teacher Care Meetings
Teacher Care Meeting Protocol
Demonstration of a Teacher Care Meeting Let’s do this!
To Maximize Your Influence One thing I learned or relearned was… One thing that surprised me was… I can’t wait to start the school year so I can…
“Nothing About Us Without Us…” Co-planning is respectful, enhances collaboration, and captures motivation for change! Co-Plan with me anytime :