US History Geography Review Mr. Johnson
The World: Continents & Oceans
Geography of Virginia Colonial Era? Revolutionary Era? Civil War? 1940s/50s/ 60s? Virginians? (all eras)
Europe circa 1600
European Colonization Spanish? English? French?
Thirteen Colonies New England? Middle? Southern?
New England
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
French & Indian War Before After
Revolutionary Era Clashes 1770 1775 1776 1777 1781
Manifest Destiny
Election of 1860
Civil War
Pre- and Post- Civil War Labor
Pre-1871 “Old Immigration”
1871-1920 “New Immigration”
1871-1920 “New Immigration”
1970-Present: Recent Immigration
Age of Imperialism
World War I: Europe
World War II: Europe
World War II: Pacific
Cold War: Europe
Cold War: Germany
Cold War: Asia
Cold War: Korea
Cold War: Vietnam
Cold War Ends
Recent Wars 1991 2001 2003