Faculty Focus September, 2017
AWARENESS and REMINDERS Tardies have already become a concern this year. Please follow the process below so we can address consistently: *3rd unexcused tardy to your class—notify the parent *6th unexcused tardy to your class—refer to Mr. Thornbury 2. Students should not be wearing hats in the building. 3. ALL students should be in the cafeteria/auditorium in the mornings. If you need to see a student for an academic reason prior to 7:21, the student will need a note from you that includes the date. 4. PSAT will be given to all Sophomores on Wednesday, Oct. 11th.
5. The PBIS Store will open this month. Grading Requirement: Grades are to be updated weekly in IC. Parents, counselors, administrators, and Central Office use IC to monitor student progress for IEPs, RTI, referrals, etc. 5. The PBIS Store will open this month. Be sure you are handing out tokens to students who are following the PRIDE Model. Need more tokens? Email Angela Ausmus. 6. Custodian Change Starting Tuesday, October 10th, we will transition from ABM to system custodians. Any concerns with the cleanliness of your room should be emailed to Mrs. Humble. Custodians will mostly be working during the school day, so they will be cleaning rooms during your planning periods. We have done this in the past, and it worked well. If, however, you have concerns once the transition phase is over, please let Mr. Thornbury know.
FOCUS AREA: Improve Literacy 1. SRI #1 has been completed. If you have a student who has not tested, please let Mr. Moat know. Teachers should differentiate for students based on Lexile levels. Students are setting Lexile goals with their ELA teachers, so have conversations with your students about their goals. Daily, Weekly, and Quarterly Writing—Mrs. Ford has covered the system writing expectations in your PLCs. Be sure you are grading student writing using the system Rubric and providing students with feedback.
SRI Data % Proficient and Advanced
FOCUS AREA: Increase Rigor Questioning techniques are key when focusing on rigor in the classroom. Remember to stay away from whole group questioning and lean more toward random questioning techniques that require students to explain responses and make connections. Focus on rigor for ALL students and not just those who are struggling. Our upper level learners should be challenged just as our middle and lower level learners need to be challenged. Students monitoring their own progress and setting goals for learning is also key when focusing on rigor. This goes back to the students doing most of the talking and explaining instead of the teacher doing all of the “work.”
FOCUS AREA: Faculty Attendance The Leadership Team spent time during Strategic Planning this summer reviewing faculty attendance. We determined that attendance will continue to be a focus area for MCHS this year.
Certified Absences Goal: < 400
FOCUS AREA: Student Attendance CCRPI requirements for Student Attendance have been adjusted by the DOE for 2018. I will go over the new criteria in the October faculty meeting. Continue to contact parents on the 3rd unexcused absence and contact Ms. Morrow if a student’s attendance is a concern.
Discipline—Student Referrals Goal: < 300
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