Harmony Refers to the use of lines, shapes, colors, textures and patterns with enough variety to avoid boredom, but not so much variety as to create conflict. VARIETY (Things that are different) – when the design has differences to create interest UNITY (Things that are alike)– a sense of completeness, when nothing is missing, left out or undone Both can be overdone, the key is to balance both to achieve harmony
How is harmony achieved? Unity: repetition of red and black Variety: texture below the skirt, flower above
How is harmony achieved? Unity – gray throughout, fitted, repeating lines Variety – bows add interest, slit in front
How is harmony achieved Unity: neutral colors, vertical lines, brown repeated in shoes Variety: belt-horizontal line
Harmony assignment Choose one picture of a GOOD design. Cut out nicely, glue to a white piece of paper. On the back of the paper write the following: The elements of design that create variety The elements of design that create unity Write how they work together to create a good design. EXTRA CREDIT: turn into a portfolio page