Scheduling examples
Summary **At least 42 semester hours of approved courses as indicated within the following outcomes R3- 3 hours E1- 3 hours E2- 3 hours **At least 3 semester hours in EACH CORE+ outcome E3- 3 hours C1- 3 hours U1 and U2: combined total 6 hours C2- 3 hours C3- 3 hours Refer to the Academic Course schedule for courses with specific designations. O1- 3 hours Many of these courses have a pre-requisite that needs met before student may register. Please refer to the current Undergraduate Catalog for requirements. O2- 3 hours O3- 3 hours R1- 3 hours R2- 3 hours
Other possible foundational courses Students will need to be aware of potential additional coursework needed to satisfy prerequisites for C2 and O2: MATH110 ENGL145 ENGL104 ENGL106 Students entering The University of Findlay as first-time, full time students must complete ACAD125, ACAD190, ANSC110, BIOL110, BUAD100, BUAD110, CSCI110, EDUC088, EQST100, ESOH110, HEPR150, PHAR150, or PVET110 during their first semester of enrollment.
Example schedule for Freshman Also note: Students entering The University of Findlay as first-time, full time students must complete ACAD125, ACAD190, ANSC110, BIOL110, BUAD100, BUAD110, CSCI110, EDUC088, EQST100, ESOH110, HEPR150, PHAR150, or PVET110 during their first semester of enrollment. Courses in C2 and O2 will be determined by placement information for Math and English. Placement process for ENGL104 and ENGL106 has not changed with the implementation of CORE+
Course load Reminders: For a student to graduate in 4 years, should earn an average of 15.5 hours each semester. Summer not included. Athletes should register for at least 15 semester hours. This allows the Athlete to drop 3 hours in order to remain eligible.
Example schedule: Student placed into MATH110 and ENGL104 The necessary first semester courses are registered, now the student can add CORE+ or 1st year major courses as they choose: Student is now registered for 15 semester hours and will satisfy prerequisites necessary for C2 and O2 outcomes. Student will also have C3 and O1 outcome satisfied MATH110 Intermediate Mathematics 3.00 01 Beach, A. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 10:00 - 10:50 AM -M-W-F- ENGL104 College Writing I: Intro to Academic Writing 3.00 01 Staff 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 09:30 - 10:45 AM --T-H-- ACAD110 Strategies of College Learning 3.00 01 Staff 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 11:00 - 11:50 AM -M-W-F- PSYC100 General Psychology 3.00 01 Leach, J. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 09:00 - 09:50 AM -M-W-F- COMM110 Principles of Speech 3.00 08 Rogan, A. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 11:00 - 12:15 PM --T-H--
Example schedule for Transfer students The same ENGL and MATH placement information applies to transfer students. Student placed into ENGL106FA and has the following courses showing as equivalent transfer courses: BIOL 201 = can be used as Major requirement or credit hours. This course is not found in CORE+ outcomes BUAD110 = can be used as Major requirement or credit hours. This course is not found in CORE+ outcomes CSCI 150 = O3 HEPR 205 = can be used as Major requirement or credit hours. This course is not found in CORE+ outcomes MATH 101 = can be used as Major requirement or credit hours. This course is not found in CORE+ outcomes PSYC 100 = C3 SOCI 105 = can be used as Major requirement or credit hours. This course is not found in CORE+ outcomes SOCI 250 = R1
The student will register for ENGL 106 per placement information The student will register for ENGL 106 per placement information. The student is added to MATH110 to meet the prerequisites for C2 Added CORE+ for O1 and R2 outcomes. Student has room in their schedule to add any Major requirements needed. ENGL106 College Writing II: Academic Writing and Research 3.00 01 Lanzendorf 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 09:30 - 10:45 AM --T-H-- MATH110 Intermediate Mathematics 3.00 01 Beach, A. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 10:00 - 10:50 AM -M-W-F- THEA150 Acting I 3.00 01 Sage, M. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 11:00 - 12:15 PM --T-H-- ESOH100 Environment and Society 3.00 01 Murphy, T. 8/21/2017 - 12/14/2017 11:00 - 11:50 AM -M-W-F-