Place image in this area. WPI1: Hydrogen to Heat And Power, Biogas CHP plant with hydrogen storage plus methanation R&D. Elizabeth Johnson Pure Energy Centre Place image in this area. 20/03/2018
WPI1 Outlines Step 1 Bioenergy to H2 production H2 to supply demand of heat and power Step 3 Methanation process 20/03/2018
Fish Processing and Public Waste WPI1 Outlines – BIOH2CHP Fish Processing and Public Waste Anaerobic Digestor Salmon Hatchery Biogas CHP Engine H2 CHP Grid Connection O2 Wind Turbine H2 H2 Transport Electrolyzer Water Supply 20/03/2018
WPI1 Outlines- Methanation process CO2 Emissions CO2 H2 Anaerobic Digestor CO2 + CH4 CO2+4H2 ↔CH4+2H2O 20/03/2018
WPI1 Location- Stornoway PEC headquarter, Shetland Stornoway Integrated Waste management Facility Main equipment Benefits Waste Management Facility Anaerobic Digester Wind Turbine Hydrogen Production Plant Oxygen Production Plant Storage system H2 transport system Creating a circular economy model based on H2 energy carrier in NWE Allowing residents in remote areas to have better access to electricity Construction of local distribution network to drive H2 and O2 resulting in the generation of new local employment Stornoway, Western Isles Stornoway Hydrogen Plant 20/03/2018
WPI1 Location – Rouen Main equipment Objectives INSA Rouen, Rouen, France ENSICAEN Caen, France Main equipment Objectives INSA Rouen, Rouen Chromatograph Flowmeters, pressure and temperature sensors IR Analyzers Infrared Spectrometers Lab-Scale Reactors Produce methane from CO2 and H2 Design a catalyst with a good activity and selectivity Obtain experimental data from the pilot plant Develop a technical model for methanation Lab scale pilot assembly 20/03/2018