Elements & Principles of Art in Calligraphy Artworks
Elements of Art Line Shape Color Texture Value Space Form
Principles of Design Balance Emphasis Variety Rhythm/Movement Proportion Harmony Unity
Line Expressive use of line enables the artist to create powerful works of art.
Shape Using many different shapes also creates variety in an artwork.
Color Choice of color sets the mood of the artwork. Achromatic
Form- when an object can be seen from all sides it has height, length and width
Space- Use of positive and negative space creates great impact where the image is heaviest on the bottom.
Texture- using white lines creates implied texture and also an area of emphasis to focus on first in this work.
Value=lightness or darkness of colors Value=lightness or darkness of colors. Contrast=the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) to create visual interest, excitement and drama.
Balance Symmetrical balance creates harmonious works. Radial Symmetrical Assymetrical
Rhythm Repeating lines, shapes, colors, creates rhythm in artworks and moves the eye across the page.
Movement The path of the text along the directional lines moves the eye across the page.
Emphasis The artist chooses where the viewer looks first by emphasizing certain areas in the artwork using color, contrast, and/or texture.
Harmony- using different elements which work well together creates harmony among all parts.
Variety-using many different art elements like shape, line, color, texture, will produce variety and add more interest to an artwork.
Proportion/Scale The relationship between objects with respect to size, number, etc. including the relation between parts of a whole.
Unity-repeating similar elements unifies all pieces together.