Financial reporting, students support Aksana Mushkavets International Science Programme, Uppsala University
Presentation overview To follow up financial and audit reports Annual Review Meetings Visa/residence permit Payments of subsistence allowances Insurance Questions
1. Financial and audit reports Financial reporting relates to the period of 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016 Deadline for the Financial report, Audit report and a Management response to the audit report – 30 September 2016 All the reports have to be written in English ISP will summarize all reporting into one report and submit that report to the Swedish embassy in Dar es Salaam The embassy will approve all reports
1. Financial and audit reports The example template for the financial report is provided by ISP For annual financial audit the template ”Uppdragsbeskrivning för årlig granskning och rapportering” has to be used, and has to be attached to the audit report The cost for the audit shall be paid by the Institution from the project budget A management response has to be submitted if there are remarks from the auditors and included an action plan if required Those institutions, who have signed the sub-contracts and transferred money to other Swedish institutions, should also submit to ISP a copy of each sub-contract.
Guidelines 2008 - Support to National Research
1. Financial and audit reports All templates and supporting documents can be found at: All financial documentation have to be submitted by e-mail and in original to ISP’s post address: International Science Programme (ISP) Uppsala University Attn: Aksana Mushkavets Box 549 751 21 Uppsala
2. The Annual Review Meetings for November 2016 have been fixed now: Week 45. The meetings will be held in Dar es Salaam at the respective institution. UDSM: Tuesday 8 Nov MUHAS: Wednesday 9 Nov ARU: Thursday 10 Nov COSTECH: Friday 11 Nov
3. Visa/Residence permit Study period up to 90 days – Schengen visa applications to the embassy Study period exceeding 90 days - residence permit for studies Application for residence permit should be done as early as possible, the waiting time at the Swedish migration board is 3-6 months or longer.
3. Visa/Residence permit To apply for a residence permit the following documents are requested: Letter of acceptance for studies, showing that a student is admitted to full-time studies - Swedish hosting institute Letter of Invitation with study results certified by the supervisor and showing the progress a student is making and indication when s/he can be expected to submit their thesis - Swedish hosting institute Letter of Financial Support – ISP Insurance certificate – ISP
3. Request for a Letter of Support and an Insurance certificate from ISP. Fill the Request form for Letter of Support and Insurance certificate within Sida’s bilateral programs Send the signed (student + TAN coord.) Request form to ISP together with the Letter of Invitation from the Swedish institute ISP provides a student with the Letter of Support and the Insurance certificate
4. Subsistence allowance procedure For each separate visit to Sweden or prolongation of stay in Sweden, a new Request form for subsistence allowance has to be submitted. Fill in the Request form for subsistence allowance Send the signed Request form to ISP Confirm arrival to Sweden with a copy of boarding pass Disbursement of subsistence allowance will be done while the participant/student is in Sweden ISP has to be informed about any changes of the stay in Sweden
4. Payments Payments are made once a month (around 25th each month) either by deposit to: - Bank account in a Swedish bank Or to: - ICA Maestro card (make sure that your bank account is active to avoid late payments)
5. ICA card ICA Maestro card – For students without a Swedish bank account Cards will be sent to a supervisor with clear instructions that need to be followed Only Uppsala University can transfer money to the card The card can be used all over the world in shops that accepts Maestro card and that are online. No payment of invoices A fee of 175 SEK is required to issue a new card.
5. Insurance All students are insured via Kammarkollegiet Insurance covers: - Emergency medical care - Emergency dental care (max 3000 SEK per year) - Prescribed medicines - Property coverage (not exceeding 20 000 SEK) Claim forms should be sent to ISP with original receipts/invoices Kammarkollegiet will decide on reimbursement
5. Insurance The full Terms and Conditions of the insurance can be found at: “Terms and conditions Swedish State Group and Personal Insurance 2015” Both students with Swedish social security number and without can apply for reimbursement
Practical information Students within all bilateral program (Bolivia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania or Uganda) will find all necessary information, documents and application forms at our web page:
6. Contact persons at ISP Aksana Mushkavets +46 (0)18 471 5743 Email: (Financial assistance, students’ allowances Bolivia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania) Ernst van Groningen +46 (0) 70 167 9122 Email: (Responsible Officer Tanzania) Hossein Aminaey +46(0) 18 471 6823, +46(0) 701 67 9201 E-mail: (Administration Tanzania)
Thank you for your attention! QUESTIONS? Thank you for your attention!