Diane Grayson Director: Institutional Audits STUDENT WORKSHOP Developing student engagement in quality assurance and enhancement Diane Grayson Director: Institutional Audits
Aim of the workshop To catalyse a process that will enable students to engage productively in assuring and enhancing the quality of the student learning experience at their institutions and in the higher education sector.
Higher education institutions 26 PUBLIC HEIS Universities of technology TUT, VUT, CUT, DUT, MUT, CPUT Comprehensive universities Venda, UJ, UniZul, WSU, NMMU, UNISA, UMP, SPU Universities Limpopo, Pretoria, Wits, NWU, Free State, UKZN, Fort Hare, Rhodes, UWC, Stellenbosch, UCT, Sefako Makgatho ABOUT 150 PRIVATE HEIS Small single focus to large, multi-focus; certificate to PhD
The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and quality assurance General education and training Further education and training Higher Education Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UMALUSI QCTO CounciI on Higher Education
The Council on Higher Education CHE is an independent, statutory body responsible for quality assurance and promotion. Its functions include: providing advice to the Minister of Higher Education and Training on all aspects of higher education policy. developing and implementing a system of quality assurance for higher education. monitoring and reporting on the state of the higher education system. contributing to the development of higher education through intellectual engagement with key national and systemic issues.
Four components of the CHE’s work Programme accreditation ensures that minimum standards are met in HEI programmes National reviews specific programmes are evaluated and benchmarked nationally and internationally Institutional audits evaluate HEIs’ internal quality assurance mechanisms Monitoring and evaluation Research, monitor and evaluate aspects of the higher education system
First cycle of quality assurance (2004-2011) Individual institutional audits carried out of 3 core functions of teaching and learning, research and community engagement 19 criteria formed basis for self-evaluation and peer evaluation Aimed to bring all HEIs to acceptable level of quality All 23 public plus 11 private institutions audited
Second cycle: the Quality Enhancement Project (2014-2017) The enhancement of student learning with a view to producing an increased number of graduates with attributes that are personally, professionally and socially valuable. 1. enhanced student learning, leading to an 2. increased number of graduates that have 3. improved graduate attributes STUDENT SUCCESS
Both institutionally-based and nationally coordinated activities HE system enhancement Institutional enhancement
Less of this…. http://www.wisconsinsilo.com/
More of this… http://exotic.vn/abbvie-team-building-2014/ Staff from the Indian Space Research Organization celebrate at the ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network in Bangalore after their Mars Orbiter spacecraft successfully entered Mars orbit on September 24, 2014. Credit: Manjunath Kiran/AFP/Getty Images http://www.purdue.edu/uns/html4ever/000212.Rubelocal.2000.html http://cars.aol.co.uk/2013/03/26/video-how-to-build-a-formula-1-car/
The Quality Enhancement Project Activities Enhancements QEP DVCs Forum Sector-wide Capacity building Forums and workshops Institutional reports Student success committees Undergraduate provision Quality of graduates Collaboration in HE sector Institutions Sector Process
Focus areas for Phase 1 (2014-2016) 1. Enhancing academic as teachers Including professional development, reward and recognition, workload, conditions of service and performance appraisal. 2. Enhancing student support and development Including career and curriculum advising, life and academic skills development, counselling, student performance monitoring and referral. 3. Enhancing the learning environment Including teaching and learning spaces, ICT infrastructure and access, technology-enabled tools and resources, library facilities. 4. Enhancing course and programme enrolment management Including admissions, selection, placement, readmission refusal, pass rates in gateway courses, throughput rates, management information systems.
Where we are PHASE 1 Sept 2014 Universities submitted baseline reports Dec 2015 Universities submitted reports on improvements 2016 Individual institutional feedback visits, peer reviewer reports PHASE 2 Nov 2017 Universities will submit reports
Implement and evaluate Promising practice Shown to be successful in a specific context Decontextualise Identify core elements Recontextualise Adapt for a new context Implement and evaluate Good practice
Phase 2 (2017): Curriculum Curriculum renewal and transformation Includes advancing the purposes of higher education spelt out in policy documents, addressing transformation imperatives, ensuring local relevance and global awareness and developing graduates with attributes that are personally, professionally and socially valuable. Diversity and inclusivity Includes catering for students with diverse academic needs and abilities and life circumstances, ensuring inclusivity of all students regardless of demographic characteristics, countering bias towards, and alienation of, sections of the student population.
Curriculum development capacity and quality Includes capacity development and support in curriculum design, development and implementation and processes to assure quality of curriculum content and implementation (including teaching). Participation in curriculum design and development Includes involvement of various stakeholders in the initial design, ongoing development, renewal and transformation of curriculum. CURRICULUM STRUCTURE, CONTENT, IMPLEMENTATION
Expected outcomes of the QEP Benchmarks and codes of good practice for quality undergraduate provision Policy recommendations Tools and resources for improving student success Research Communities of practice Raise the bar for what can be expected of institutions in promoting student success in future
Third quality assurance cycle (2018 onwards) Institutional Quality Reviews