ECE 551: Digital System Design & Synthesis


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Presentation transcript:

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Exam Format 2 hours Roughly 7 problems – each with multiple parts Open book & two note sheets Similar to the two previous exams posted on the course homepage Material Covered Chapters 8-10 Lecture Sets 9-14 Problem Set 5 and Course Project Synopsys Tools Manuals Working Knowledge of Material Prior to Midterm

Synthesis of Combinational Logic: Tools Perspective Basic HDL based design flows (DCUG and Ciletti - CH8) Basic Synthesis Flows (DCUG and Ciletti - CH8) Internal Synthesizer Flow overview Logic Optimization (De Micheli) Single output functions minimization – espresso (operators) Multi-output function minimization – MIS (transformations) Important concepts Key steps performed in synthesis Two-level, single-output logic operators Expand, Reduce, Reshape, Irredundant Multiple-level, multiple-output Elimination, Decomposition, Extraction, Simplification, Substitution

Synthesis of Combinational Logic: Coding for Synthesis Basic Synthesis Combinational, RTL, FSM, Behavioral (Ciletti - CH9) Advantages/Disadvantages of Synthesis (Ciletti - CH9) Synthesis Methodology (Ciletti – CH9) Vendor Support (Ciletti - CH9) Coding for Synthesis of Combinational Logic (Ciletti, GHCS) GHCS – Guide to HDL Coding Styles for Synthesis (synco.pdf) Basic coding of if and case statements - priority encoding Reorder code for late arriving signals Coding for basic building blocks Decoder, Priority Encoder, Reduction XOR, Multiplexer Tree versus array structures - for parameterized modules

Synthesis of Combinational Logic: Coding for Synthesis Coding for Synthesis of Combinational Logic Datapath duplication to reduce delay General coding style guidelines Unintentional Latch Inference avoid by using else, default, and synopsys full_case Incomplete Sensitivity Lists may lead to pre-synthesis and post-synthesis mismatches Unnecessary Calculations in for Loops Should be pulled out of loops Resource Sharing Not in conditional assignments, but in if-then-else Optimizing Arithmetic Expressions (A + B) + (C + D) Sharing Common Subexpressions

Design Partitioning for Synthesis Lots of information from Chapter 3 of DCUG Design Partitioning Strategies Partition for design reuse - document, standardize, parameterize Keep related combinational logic together - allows better optimizations Avoid glue logic, particularly at top level - what and why Register block outputs - advantages vs. disadvantages Partition by design goal - minimum area or minimum delay Partition by compile technique - structure or flattening Keep sharable resources together - in same always block Keep UDRs (User-Defined Resources) with logic they drive Isolate special functions - pads, clocks, boundary scan at top level Place large SRAMs and DRAMS at top core level Size blocks based on available computational resources

Synthesis of Sequential Logic UDPs – restrictions & what tools do Latches Edge-triggered flip-flops Synopsys multi-bit inferences Registered combinational logic Shift registers and counters Finite state machines (FSMs) Resets Gated Clocks Be able to write synthesizable sequential logic code

Synthesis of Language Constructs Text (CH10) and HDL Compiler for Verilog Reference Manual (CH3-5, hdlcv.pdf) Synthesizing nets Synthesizing registers Synthesis with “x” and “z” Expressions and Operators Arithmetic, Non-Arithmetic, Shift, Relational and Identity, Reduction, bitwise, and logical, Conditional, Concatenation Assignments Timing Control in Synthesis Multiple Cycle Operations Loops, Fork & Join, Disables Tasks and Functions

Constraints and Timing Mostly from Design Compiler Reference Manual: Constraints and Timing (dcrm.pdf) – CH1-2 Constraint Classification Design Rule Constraints Maximum Transition Time, Maximum Fanout Maximum and minimum capacitance, Cell degradation Optimization Constraints Area, delay, and porosity Constraint violations and slack time Including defining timing paths and path delays Setting Constraints Constraints for realistic goals

Optimization Mostly from Design Compiler Reference Manual: Optimization and Timing (dcrmo.pdf), CH1-2 Optimization Phases : combinational, sequential, I/O pad, local Logic-Level and Gate-Level Optimization Optimization Flow Compilation Types Compilation Strategies